Lisbon earthquake Portugal
m-9 it killed abut 20,000 people wave height 23ft
The Lisbon quake is the first documented case of such a phenomenon in Europe.Voltaire used the earthquake in “Candide” and in his “Poème sur le désastre de Lisbonne” ("Poem on the Lisbon disaster") -
Krakatoa eruption Java Sumatra
m-9.1 killed >36,000 people
The wall of water, nearly 120 feet tall, was created by the volcano's collapse into the sea.
Within a year, it grew into a small island, which was named Anak Krakatoa, or Child of Krakatoa. -
Aleutian earthquake
m-8.1 killed >116 people height wave 16ft
sent a 100-foot wave into the Scotch Cape lighthouse on Unimak, destroying the concrete structure and killing the five men inside.
The warning system was used for the first time. -
Great Chilean earthquake Chile
m-9.5 >61 people
Traveling at speeds in excess of 400 miles per hour.
1960 Chilean earthquake and tsunami provides a useful reminder that megathrust earthquakes can have far reaching consequences. -
Good Friday earthquake Alaska
m-9.2 killed 130 people
The warning however, did more harm than good for the local fishermen, who, instead of evacuating too higher ground, ran to the harbor to save their boats.
quake, which shook Alaska for four and a half minutes -
Hokkaido earthquake Japan
m-7.8 killed 1,200 people
It took between two to seven minutes after the earthquake
a tsunami warning two minutes after an earthquake. The agency’s objective in the past was to issue a warning within three minutes.
Officials said the difference of a minute can be the difference between life and death -
Papua new Guinea quake
m-7.1 killed 72,100 people wave height 49ft
swept away the grand church at Sissano mission
that had stood for more than 70 years. there was no warning. -
Samoa earthquake Indonesia
m-9.1 killed 260,000 people
there was a lag of up to several hours between the earthquake and the impact of the tsunami.
tsunami traveled as far as 3,000 miles to Africa -
Samoa earthquake Somann island
m-8.1 200 people
There were more than 40 total aftershocks
Twenty villages on Upolu south side were reportedly destroyed -
chin earthquake
m-8.8 killed 700 people
was a night of full moon. This allowed people to more easily run for protection in the hills. According to Castilla, the combination of full moon, local knowledge, and strong bonds between neighbors, made it possible for members of fishermen communities to rapidly act on the first warning signal -
Japan earthquake
m-9.9 killed 720,000 people wave height 30ft
The earthquake produced a low-frequency rumble called infrasound, which traveled into space and was detected by the Goce satellite.
Buildings destroyed by the tsunami released thousands of tons of ozone-destroying chemicals and greenhouse gases into the air.