In 1755 a Magnitude 9 earthquake that occured in Lisbon, Portugal created a tsunami that killed around 20,000 people. -
1883 Krakatoa
The volcano known as Krakatoa erupted in the Sundra Strait between Java and Sumarta that caused part of the volcano to collapse into the ocean. The result was a 115 foot high wave that killed 36,000 people. -
a Magnitude 8.1 earthquake in Alaska triggered a tsunami that hit the Hawaiian Islands killing 160 people. -
1960 Hawaii
In 1960 a Magnitude 9.1 earthquake in Chile triggered a tsunami that crossed the Pacific Ocean and killed 61 people in Hawaii. -
1964 Alaska and California
in 1964 a magnitude 9.2 earthquake in Alaska stirred up a massive tsunami that killed 130 people in Alaska and California. -
1993 Japan
A tsunami that killed 120 people on Japan's Okushiri island was caused by a magnitude 7.8 earthquake. -
1998 New Guinea
A magnitude 7.1 earthquake caused an underwater landslide that created a tsunami that hit the country and killed over 2100 people. -
2004 Sumatra
The 9.1 magnitude that triggered a tsunami hit Indonesia killing 230,000 people. -
2009 Samoa
The tsunami that resulted from the 8.1 earthquake killed around 200 people. -
2011 Japan
The tsunami that killed over 20,000 people in Japan was generated by a 9.1 magnitude earthquake. -
2010 Chile
The 8.8 Chilean earthquake generated a tsunami that hit the country and killed about 700 people.