Deadly Tsunamis - Trevor Carr

  • Lisbon, Portugal

    This 23 foot high Tsunami killed 20,000 people and was produced by an Earthquake
  • Krakatoa Explosion

    More than 36,000 people and 165 Villages destroyed by a 115 foot high Tsunami caused by the top of the volcano falling into the ocean from the eruption
  • Aleutians, Alaska

    A Hawaiian Islands Tsunami produced by an Earthquake in which killed about 160 people
  • Chile

    After traveling for 15 hours across the Pacific Ocean, this earthquake generated Tsunami killed 61 people
  • Alaska

    Deadly Tsunami that killed 130 people was caused by an Earthquake
  • Sea of Japan

    On the Okushiri Island, Japan, 120 people were killed by this Earthquake generated Tsunami
  • Papa New Guinea

    More than 2,100 people were killed by a submarine landslide in which produced a Tsunami
  • Sumatra

    Tsunami caused by an Earthquake in which killed 230,000 people
  • Chile

    700 people killed by this earthquake generated Tsunami
  • Japan

    Over 20,000 people killed by this Earthquake generated Tsunami