Lisbon Earthquake
This Tsunami was caused by a magintude 9 earthquake. It killed around 20,000 people. -
Krakatoa Eruption
Killed more than 36,000 people. The waves of the tsunami got to around 115 ft high. -
Aleutian Earthquake
A magnitude 8.1 earthquake caused this Tsunmai that killed over 160 people. -
Great Chilean Earthquake
61 people were killed in this tsunami that travelled 15 hours across the pacific ocean. It was caused by a magnitude 9.5 earthquake. -
Good Friday Earthquake
This maginitude 9.2 earthquake killed 130 people. -
Sea of Japan Earthquake
This earthqake was a maginitude 7.8. It killed 120 people. -
Papua New Guinea Quake (Papua New Guinea)
This earthqake was a maginitude 7.1. It killed 2100 people. -
Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)
This earthqake was a maginitude 9.1. It killed over 230000people. -
Somoa Earthquake
This earthqake was a maginitude 8.1. It killed over 200 people. -
Chile Earthquake
This earthqake was a maginitude 8.8. It killed about 700 people. -
Tohoku Earthquake
This earthqake was a maginitude 9.1. It killed 20,000 people.