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Deadly Tsunamis - Rohan Gupta

  • Lisbon Earthquake - Portugal

    Lisbon Earthquake - Portugal
    This earthquake had a magnitude of 9.0 and killed over 70,000. It is the largest earthquake to hit Europe and Northern Africa. It is also accentuated political tensions in Portugal.
  • Krakatoa Eruption - Java/Sumatra

    Krakatoa Eruption - Java/Sumatra
    When it erupted, it was the largest sound recorded in history with a magnitude of 6 on the VEI and there was hot ash over 50 miles in the air. It killed 36,000 people.
  • Aleutian Earthquake - Alaska

    Aleutian Earthquake - Alaska
    With a magnitude of 8.1, it traveled 400 mph to Hawaii, creating massive waves that led to a death toll of 160, the highest death toll in Hawaii's History
  • Great Chilean Earthquake - Chile

    Great Chilean Earthquake - Chile
    With a magnitude of 9.5, it lasted 10 mins and killed around 61 people. It is the largest recorded magnitude of the 20th century.
  • Good Friday Earthquake - Alaska

    Good Friday Earthquake - Alaska
    It released about 500 years of stress build-up leading to a magnitude of 9.2. It is the most powerful earthquake recorded in North America, killing about 130 people.
  • Hokkaido Earthquake - Japan

    Hokkaido Earthquake - Japan
    This earthquake lasted about 5-10 mins with a magnitude of 7.8. It killed about 120 people and was 30 miles under the sea.
  • Papua New Guinea Earthquake - Papua New Guinea

    Papua New Guinea Earthquake - Papua New Guinea
    With a magnitude of 7.1, it created waves that reached 15m. It led to 2,100 deaths with around 9,500 homeless and about 500 missing.
  • Sumatra Earthquake - Indonesia

    Sumatra Earthquake - Indonesia
    With a magnitude of 9.1, it led to energy equivalent to 23,000 Hiroshima bombs. It also led to 100 feet tsunami waves and around 230,000 deaths.
  • Samoa Earthquake - Samoan Islands

    Samoa Earthquake - Samoan Islands
    With a magnitude of 8.1, it was two earthquakes combined and it killed about 200 people. Samoa has had 12 tsunamis in its history.
  • Chile Earthquake - Chile

    Chile Earthquake - Chile
    It was the sixth largest earthquake recorded with a magnitude of 8.8, killing around 700 people and leaving 220,000 homeless and 4,500 schools destroyed.
  • Tohoku Earthquake - Japan

    Tohoku Earthquake - Japan
    With a magnitude of 9.1, the epicenter was 72m off the coast of Ushilea and lasted 3-5 mins, killing about 20,000 people.
  • Sulawesi Earthquake - Indonesia

    Sulawesi Earthquake - Indonesia
    With a magnitude of 7.5, it killed 4,340 people and had 1.5m waves. It occurred at the Palu-Koro fault, a very unusual place for it to happen.