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Deadly Tsunamis-Richard A.

  • The 1755 Lisbon, Portugal earthquake

    The 1755 Lisbon, Portugal earthquake
    A magnitude 9 earthquake that caused a tsunami, with an estimated death toll of 20,000 people. This earthquake generated one of the largest tsunamis to hit Europe and included a tsunami 45 minutes after the earthquake had subsided
  • The 1883 explosion of Krakatoa volcano

    The 1883 explosion of Krakatoa volcano
    The violent explosion of this volcano caused the top of it to collapse in the ocean. On top of that when the volcano erupted it shot up hot ash up to 50 miles in the air. This eruption would also cause a tsunami that would kill over 36,000 people.
  • The 1946 Aleutians Earthquake

    The 1946 Aleutians Earthquake
    This earthquake with a magnitude of 8.1 in Alaska produced a tsunami in the Hawaiian Islands that killed roughly 160 people. The waves of such reached estimated to be 115 feet in Alaska, but 30 feet in Hawaii.
  • The 1960 Chile Earthquake

    The 1960 Chile Earthquake
    This earthquake with a magnitude of 9.5 would trigger a tsunami that killed 61 people. However those deaths were only in Hawaii after the tsunami traveled for roughly 15 hours across the Pacific Ocean
  • The 1964 Alaska "Good Friday" Earthquake

    The 1964 Alaska "Good Friday" Earthquake
    This earthquake with a magnitude of 9.2 generated a tsunami that killed roughly 130 people in California and Alaska. Furthermore, Alaska is one of the most earthquake prone areas in the United States, 4 out of 5 earthquakes in the U.S. occur in Alaska.
  • The 1993 Sea of Japan Earthquake

    The 1993 Sea of Japan Earthquake
    This earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8, generated a tsunami that killed 120 people located on the Okushiri Island, in Japan. The deadly waves of which ranged from 5 to 10 meters in height also destroyed fishing villages.
  • The 1998 Papua New Guinea Earthquake

    The 1998 Papua New Guinea Earthquake
    This earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 caused a submarine landslide which caused a tsunami that would kill over 2100 people. The earthquake and landslide apart from causing just one tsunami, actually caused 3.
  • The 2004 Sumatra Earthquake

    The 2004 Sumatra Earthquake
    This earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1 would generate a tsunami that killed roughly 230,000 people. This tsunami also rocked economies, with material losses in the Indian Ocean region being around $10 billion.
  • The 2009 Samoa Earthquake

    The 2009 Samoa Earthquake
    This earthquake with a magnitude of 8.1 generated a tsunami that killed around 200 people. This tsunami generated waves up to 72 feet high that would engulf the shores.
  • The 2010 Chile Earthquake

    The 2010 Chile Earthquake
    This earthquake with a magnitude of 8.8 generated tsunami killing roughly 700 people located in costal towns The causes generated from the earthquake economically was between $15 billion and $30 billion to South American nations.
  • The 2011 Japan Earthquake

    The 2011 Japan Earthquake
    This earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1 caused a tsunami that would kill over 20,000 people. This tsunami and earthquake combined were devastating to the Japanese infrastructure, destroying more than 120,000 buildings.