
Deadly Tsunamis - Morgan Franciscus

  • Lisbon Earthquake

    Lisbon Earthquake
    Location: Portugal
    Magnitude of Earthquake: ~ M 9
    Death Toll: 20,000
    Interesting Facts:
    ~ Fires burned in Lisbon for about 6 days after the earthquake occured.
    ~ It was "All Saints Day" and therefore everyone was gathered in the churches. The churches were not made to withstand the earthquakes resulting in more casualties.
  • Krakatoa Eruption

    Krakatoa Eruption
    Location: Java/Sumatra
    Magnitude of Volcano: ~ 6
    Death Toll: 36,000
    Interesting Facts:
    ~ More people died due to the tsunamis than from the volcanic eruption.
    ~ Most people believed the volcano was extinct.
  • Aleutian Earthquake

    Aleutian Earthquake
    Location: Alaska
    Magnitude of Earthquake: ~ M 8.1
    Death Toll: 160
    Interesting Facts:
    ~ $300 million in property damages occured.
    ~ The tsunami struck only about 5 hours after the earthquake.
  • Great Chilean Earthquake

    Great Chilean Earthquake
    Location: Chile
    Magnitude of Earthquake: ~ M 9.5
    Death Toll: 61
    Interesting Facts:
    ~ There were a series of earthquake foreshocks the day before the quake.
    ~ Two million people were left homeless.
  • Good Friday Earthquake

    Good Friday Earthquake
    Location: Alaska
    Magnitude of Earthquake: ~ M 9.2
    Death Toll: 130
    Interesting Facts:
    ~ It is the most powerful recorded earthquake in US history.
    ~ It also lasted about 4.5 minutes.
  • Hokkaido Earthquake

    Hokkaido Earthquake
    Location: Japan
    Magnitude of Earthquake: ~ M 7.8
    Death Toll: 120
    Interesting Facts:
    ~ There was little to no warning due to the fact that the epicenter was very close to the island.
    ~ $600 million in property damage occurred due to this earthquake.
  • Papua New Guinea Earthquake

    Papua New Guinea Earthquake
    Location: Papua New Guinea
    Magnitude of Earthquake: ~ M 7.1
    Death Toll: 2100
    Interesting Facts:
    ~ The tsunami looked to have resulted from a submarine landslide triggered by the earthquake.
    ~ In less than one hour, the villages on the coast were destroyed.
  • Sumatra Earthquake

    Sumatra Earthquake
    Location: Indonesia
    Magnitude of Earthquake: ~ M 9.1
    Death Toll: 230,000
    Interesting Facts:
    ~ This earthquake caused the most lethal tsunami in recorded history.
    ~ There was no warning system in place for any of the residents on the coast.
  • Samoa Earthquake

    Samoa Earthquake
    Location: Samoan Islands
    Magnitude of Earthquake: ~ M 8.1
    Death Toll: 200
    Interesting Facts:
    ~ This tsunami also impacted other nearby islands.
    ~ The island also received an expedited Federal Major Disaster Declaration which made funds available for it.
  • Chile Earthquake

    Chile Earthquake
    Location: Chile
    Magnitude of Earthquake: ~ M 8.8
    Death Toll: 700
    Interesting Facts:
    ~ The earthquake struck in the middle of the night, at 3:34 AM.
    ~ Other small earthquakes were triggered in Antarctica due to this one.
  • Tohoku Earthquake

    Tohoku Earthquake
    Location: Japan
    Magnitude of Earthquake: ~ M 9.1
    Death Toll: 20,000
    Interesting Facts:
    ~ The tsunami caused a nuclear meltdown and melted three nuclear cores in three days.
    ~ 98% of the damages were due to the tsunami.
  • Sulawesi Earthquake

    Sulawesi Earthquake
    Location: Indonesia
    Magnitude of Earthquake: ~ M 7.5
    Death Toll: 6,400
    Interesting Facts:
    ~ Indonesia received assistance from 29 countries.
    ~ Around 525,000 children were left without access to basic nutrition, health, and education services. Local authorities had urgent services to help these children.