The Great Earthquake in Lisbon, Portugal
Magnitude: 9 Death Toll: 20,000 interesting fact: 23-foot waves -
Krakota Tsunami in the Sundra Strait
Magnitude: Caused by a volcano Death Toll: 36,000 Interesting fact: 165 villages were lost -
Aleutians Earthquake in the Hawaiian Island and Alaska
Magnitude: 8.1 Death Toll: 160 Interesting fact: Hawaii was effected hours after alaska -
Valdivia Earthquake in Chile and Hawaii
Magnitude: 9.5 Death Toll: 61 deaths in Hawaii and 5,700 deaths in Chile Interesting Fact: traveled 15000 km to Hawaii -
Great Alaskan Earthquake in Alaska
Magnitude: 9.2 Death Toll: 130 Interesting fact: California also felt effects -
Okkaidō Earthquake on Okushiri Island, Japan
Magnitude: 7.8 Death Toll: 120 Instresting Fact: reached high intensity levels -
Papua New Guinea Earthquake in Papua New Guinea
Magnitude: 7.1 Death Toll: 2,100 IF: Sub landslide caused tsunami -
indian Ocean Earthquake in Sumatra, Indonesia
Magnitude: 9.1 Death Toll: 230,000 IF: 15 bil in damage -
Samoa Earthquake in the Pacific Ocean Samoa Islands
Magnitude: 8.1 Death Toll: 200 IF: caused by sub landslide -
Chile Earthquake took place in Chile
Magnitude: 8.8 Death Toll: 700 IF: earthquake lasted almost 4 minutes -
Tohoku Earthquake took place in Japan
Magnitude: 9.1 Death Toll: 20,000 IF: took 360 billion dollars in damage and ruptured a power plant