Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)
Magnitude Of Earthquake: M9
Death Toll: 20,000
Interesting Facts:
-Lisbon was in flames after tsunami
-"Bury the Dead, and Heal the Living" came from this natural disaster -Costed between 32 and 48 percent of Portugal's GDP -
Krakatoa Eruption (Java/Sumatra)
Magnitude Of Earthquake: M6
Death Toll: 36,000
Interesting Facts:
-Loudest sound in recorded history
-Could be heard from Perth, Austrailia
-Ash exploded 50 miles into the air -
Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)
Magnitude Of Earthquake: M8.1
Death Toll: 160
Interesting Facts:
-26 million dollars in damage
-Depth was 9.3 miles deep
-Mercalli Intensity was VI (Strong) -
Great Chilean Earthquake (Chile)
Magnitude of Earthquake: M9.5
Death Toll: 5,000
Interesting Facts:
-Left 2 million people homeless
- Most powerful earthquake recorded in history
- The rupture zone expanded over 621 miles long -
Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)
Magnitude of Earthquake: M9.2
Death Toll: 130
Interesting Facts:
-Occured 15 miles below Prince William Sound
-Second most powerful earthquake in recorded history
- Happened at 5:36PM -
Hokkaido Earthquake (Japan)
Magnitude Of Earthquake: M7.8
Death Toll: 239
Interesting Facts:
- Devastated Okushiri Island
-Waves were 5-10 meters high
-Also hit southeastern Russia -
Papua New Guinea Quake (Papua New Guinea)
Magnitude of Earthquake: M7.1
Death Toll: 2100
Interesting Facts:
-Left over 9,500 people homeless
-Waves were as high as 49 feet high
-The average height of waves was 34 feet -
Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)
Magnitude of Earthquake: M9.1
Death Toll: 230,000
Interesting Facts:
- Costed over 10 billion dollars
-Specifically hit Banda Aceh, Indonesia
-Happened in the Indian Ocean -
Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)
Magnitude of Earthquake: M8.1
Death Toll: 200
Interesting Facts:
-Maximum Mercalli Intensity of VI
- Largest Earthquake of 2009
- Happened at 1:48 PM -
Chile Earthquake (Chile)
Magnitude of Earthquake: M8.8
Death Toll: 700
Interesting Facts:
-Ocurred along the coast of south central Chile
-Maximum Mercalli System Rating was IX(Violent)
-Depth of Earthquake was 22 miles -
Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)
Magnitude of Earthquake: M9.1
Death Toll: 20,000
Interesting Facts:
- 231 miles northeast of Tokyo was the place of Earthquake
-Depth was 15.2 miles
-Largest earthquake to ever hit Japan -
Sulawesi Earthquake (Indonesia)
Magnitude of Earthquake: M5.6
Death Toll: X>832
Interesting Facts:
- Made contact at 5:02 PM
- Occurred on the Minahasa Peninsula
- 68,000 houses were damaged