
Deadly Tsunamis- Ari Smuda

  • Lisbon Earthquake, Portugal

    Lisbon Earthquake, Portugal
    • 9.0 M Earthquake
    • 20,000 deaths The earthquake struck on the holy feast day of "All Saints" when deeply religious Portuguese people filled the churches
    • Medieval church buildings were unable to withstand the shaking and collapsed on the worshippers, leading to such a high death toll
  • Krakatoa Eruption, Java/Sumatra

    Krakatoa Eruption, Java/Sumatra
    • VEI of 6
    • about 36,000 deaths
    • This volcanic eruption was heard 3,000 miles away
    • Eruption was linked with a 130-foot tsunami
    • Krakatoa is still an active volcano
  • Aleutian Earthquake, Alaska

    Aleutian Earthquake, Alaska
    • 8.1 M Earthquake
    • 160 deaths
    • Damage cost $26 million
    • Tsunami associated with earthquake caused 55-foot waves to hit land
  • Great Chilean Earthquake, Chile

    Great Chilean Earthquake, Chile
    • 9.5 M Earthquake
    • 1,655 deaths (61 from the tsunami)
    • 2 million people were left homeless after the disaster
    • Earthquake/Tsunami cost $550 million
    • Earthquake lasted 10 minutes
  • Good Friday Earthquake, Alaska

    Good Friday Earthquake, Alaska
    • 9.2 M Earthquake
    • 131 deaths
    • 2nd Most powerful Earthquake
    • Earthquake lasted 4.5 minutes
    • Mostly struck Anchorage, Alaska
  • Hokkaido Earthquake, Japan

    Hokkaido Earthquake, Japan
    • 7.8 M Earthquake
    • 120 - 230 deaths
    • Half of the deaths were attributed to the tsunami
    • Caused by Eurasian plate subducting
  • Papua New Guinea Earthquake, Papua New Guinea

    Papua New Guinea Earthquake, Papua New Guinea
    • 7.1 M Earthquake
    • 2,183 - 2,700 deaths
    • Occurred on a reverse fault near the north coast of Papua New Guinea
    • This earthquake raised awareness that small earthquakes can trigger large tsunamis
  • Sumatra Earthquake, Indonesia

    Sumatra Earthquake, Indonesia
    • 9.1 M Earthquake
    • 230,000 deaths
    • One of the deadliest modern-day-disasters
    • Earthquake lasted close to 10 minutes
  • Samoa Earthquake, Samoan Islands

    Samoa Earthquake, Samoan Islands
    • 8.1 M Earthquake
    • 192 deaths
    • Largest earthquake in 2009
    • Tsunami waves recorded 72-feet high
  • Chile Earthquake, Chile

    Chile Earthquake, Chile
    • 8.8 M Earthquake
    • about 700 deaths
    • Earthquake/Tsunami destroyed 220,000 home
    • Chile was a fortified infrastructure, but still suffered damage and loss
  • Tohoku Earthquake, Japan

    Tohoku Earthquake, Japan
    • 9.1 M Earthquake
    • 20,000 deaths
    • Known as a megathrust earthquake
    • lasted close to 6 minutes
    • 2,525 were missing after the earthquake
  • Sulawesi Earthquake, Indonesia

    Sulawesi Earthquake, Indonesia
    • 7.5 M earthquake
    • 2,000 - 4,500 deaths
    • 10 foot high waves
    • 1.3 billion dollars in damage