Deadly Tsunami's- Isis Young

  • Lisbon Earthquake

    Lisbon Earthquake
    Magnitude- 8.5
    Death Toll- 50,000
    Interesting Fact- The earthquake accentuated political tensions in Portugal and profoundly disrupted the country's colonial ambitions.
  • Krakatoa Earthquake

    Krakatoa Earthquake
    Magnitude- 6
    Death toll 36,417
    Interesting Facts- This eruption was caused by high pressure buildup in the two underlying tectonic plates.
  • Aleutian Earthquake

    Aleutian Earthquake
    Magnitude- 8.1
    Death Toll- 131
    Across south-central Alaska, ground fissures, collapsing structures, and tsunamis resulting from the earthquake caused about 131 deaths.
  • Great Chilean Earthquake

    Great Chilean Earthquake
    Magnitude- 9.4
    Death Toll- 1,655
    Interesting Fact- Originating off the coast of southern Chile on May 22, 1960, the temblor caused substantial damage and loss of life both in that country and—as a result of the tsunamis that it generated
  • Good Friday Earthquake

    Good Friday Earthquake
    Magnitude- 9.2
    Death Toll- 131
    Interesting Facts- On March 27, 1964, Alaska experienced the largest-ever recorded earthquake in North America.
  • Hokkaido Earthquake

    Hokkaido Earthquake
    Magnitude- 4.3
    Death Toll- 41
    Interesting Fact- Thus the major tsunamigenic earthquakes of 1993 and 1983 may be the result of such tectonic interactions of Pacific plate subduction off the west coasts of Honshu and Hokkaido,
  • Papua New Guinea Earthquake

    Papua New Guinea Earthquake
    Magnitude- 7.5
    Death Toll- 125
    Interesting Fact-The PNG Government declared a state of emergency on 1 March for Hela, Southern Highlands, Western and Enga provinces. Hela and Southern Highlands Provinces were the worst affected.At least 170 aftershocks were recorded, including one of 6.7 magnitude in the same area and one of 6.8 magnitude off the coast of New Ireland
  • Sumatra Earthquake

    Sumatra Earthquake
    Magnitude- 9.1
    Death Toll- 230,000
    Interesting Fact- primarily caused by vertical displacement of the seafloor, in response to slip on the inter-plate thrust fault
  • Samoa Earthquake

    Samoa Earthquake
    Magnitude- 8.1
    Death Toll- 200
    Interesting Fact- Samoa tsunami was generated by an unusual type of earthquake that occurs near ocean trenches
  • Chile Earthquake

    Chile Earthquake
    Magnitude- 8.8
    Death Toll- 700
    Interesting Fact- The Chilean quake was spawned by a straightforward dip of the Nazca plate (ocean crust undergirding the Pacific Ocean off South America's coast)
  • Tohoku Earthquake

    Tohoku Earthquake
    Magnitude- 9.1
    Death Toll- 18,000
    Interesting Fact- The 2011 event resulted from thrust faulting on the subduction zone plate boundary between the Pacific and North America plates
  • Sulawesi Earthquake

    Sulawesi Earthquake
    Magnitude- 4.9
    Death Toll- 108
    Interesting Fact- Sulawesi is one of the four Greater Sunda Islands in Indonesia which has high seismicity. Earthquake sources in these regions come from tectonic processes on land and sea, fault systems in the middle, and subduction zone in the north