Great Lisbon Earthquake - Lisbon, Portugal
Magnitude= 9
Death toll= 20,000
During the time of the earthquake a large amount of people were attending mass. The structure of the churches were unstable to withstand the seismic shock and collapsed killing and injuring thousands of people. -
The eruption of Krakatoa - Sunda Straight, Indonesia
Magnitude= 6
Death toll= 36,000
The cause of the volcano eruption has been a debate among geologists ever since this tragedy. Most people think flooding caused the eruption. -
Aleutian Islands earthquake - Aleutian Island, Alaska
Magnitude= 8.1
Death toll= 160 people
This earthquake triggered a massive tsunami. So it was the tsunami that ended up killing the people, not the earthquake. -
Valdivia Earthquake - Chile
Magnitude= 9.5
Death toll= 61 people
This earthquake was the most powerful temblor in history. -
Good Friday earthquake - South-Central Alaska
Magnitude= 8.3
Death toll= 130 people
Lasting 4 minutes and thirty eight seconds, it is the most powerful earthquake recorded in North American history -
Sea of Japan earthquake - Southwest of of Holkaido
Magnitude= 7.7
Death toll= 120 people
This earthquake started fires in the town of Okushiri, adding greatly to the total damage. -
Submarine Landslide - Papua, New Guinea
Magnitude= 7.1
Death toll= 2100 people
It caused a significant amount of damage. -
Boxing Day Tsunami - Sumatra, Indonesia
Magnitude= 9.1+
Death toll= 230,000 People
It was an undersea megahurst. It was a major strike fault. -
The Submarine Earthquake - U.S. territory of American Samoa
Magnitude= 8.1
Death toll= 200 people
The 2009 Samoa earthquake/tsunami was caused by an unusual earthquake that occurs near ocean trenches -
Chile Earthquake - Chile
Magnitude= 8.8
Death toll= 700 people
This Earthquake took place along the Mazda tectonic boundary. A telethon was held to raise money after the earthquake. Approximately $58 million was raised to help those affected! -
Tohoku Earthquake/Tsunami - Japan
Magnitude= 9.1
Death toll= 20,000 people
It lasted approximately 6 minutes