De los Estados

  • 476

    Italiana-Roman Empire

    Italiana-Roman Empire
    After the disappearance of the Roman Empire the area, nowdays knowed as Italian State, had not managed to unify themselves forming a single State.
  • África - Creation of the African Association

    África -  Creation of the African Association
    The wealthy Englishmen created the African Association. In the expeditions they started to record details of markets, goods, and resources. Europeans started to implement the Three C’s: Christianity, Commerce, and Civilisation. BEGANING OF THE EUROPEAN EXPEDITION
  • África - Christian expansionism

    África - Christian expansionism
    The working class where convinced under the thout of bringing spiritual salvation to the workers and their families. The bible was made available to workers. Due to their large successes, missionaries began to look beyond Europe. In their efforts to preach Christianity, to bring western-style education to Africa and to ingrain monogamy in African societies, missionaries often felt threatened by warfare within Africa.
  • Italiana-Treaty of Vienna

    Italiana-Treaty of Vienna
    It divided the region into seven independent states, although they shared a common historical and cultural background.
  • Alemana- The defeat of Napoleon

    Alemana- The defeat of Napoleon
    when some of the German states defeated Napoleon, nationalist sentiment spread throughout the region, drawing attention to the shared history that united the states.
  • China- Marketing of Opium

    China-  Marketing of Opium
    British merchants began trading a drug called Opium in China. The English military force managed to open the ports for the drug trade. The Chinese government ended up in a war called the Opium War (1839-1842) for trying to stop the trafficking of this drug. This changed trade relations with Europe
  • China- Monroe doctrine

    China- Monroe doctrine
    The President of the United States, Monroe, says "America for Americans," warning Europe not to intervene in America, making it clear that the United States would be the one to lead colonial expansion.
  • Italiana-French revolution

    Italiana-French revolution
    The French Revolution promoted concepts including popular sovereignty and demonstrated the achievable possibility of Italian unification. Additionally, this includes the beginning of Napoleon's involvement.
  • Alemana-Prusia as the most powerful State

    Alemana-Prusia as the most powerful State
    In this year, Prusia was considered the State with the most power and influence. It was an conservative and militaristic region.
  • China- Deteroration of the Chinese Economy

    China- Deteroration of the Chinese Economy
    Because of the internal crisis from 1850 to 1875 and the military and economic pressure from foreign imperialism, along with the growth of Western merchants, China's economy deteriored. As a result, it failed to enter the industrial era at the right time.
  • Italiana-Kingdom of Italy

    Italiana-Kingdom of Italy
    In the second half of the 19th century, Thanks to the nationalist idea that emerged in Europe at that time, a struggle arose in Italy that resulted in the unification of the territories, calling them the Kingdom of Italy.
  • India - Indian National Congress

    India - Indian National Congress
    The main vehicle of nationalist activity was the Indian National Congress. Its leaders were Gandhi and Nehru. They sought a unitary state with a strong center and the consolidation of Hindu political dominance.
  • Italiana-Participation of Napoleon III, and Austria

    Italiana-Participation of Napoleon III, and Austria
    The King of Sardinia, Victor Emmanuel II, and his prime minister, Count Camillo de Cavour, considered the support of a great power essential, so they turned to Napoleon III to confront Austria. However, he ended up negotiating an armistice with Austria.
  • China- European and American intervention in China

    China- European and American intervention in China
    The Chinese Empire was divided into areas controlled by different countries. At first, Europe didn't want to conquist China, but instead, they set up zones based on their influence (British, French, American, German, and Italian). This allowed them to control China's trade without invading directly.
  • Italiana-Victor Emmanuel II, king of Italy

    Italiana-Victor Emmanuel II, king of Italy
    In Turin, the first national parliament was held, where Victor Emmanuel II was recognized as the King of Italy.
  • Alemana- Bismarck was named Minister-President

    Alemana- Bismarck was named Minister-President
    Otto Von Bismarck was appointed Minister-President of Prusia, and aimed to restore Prussia as a great European power.
  • Italiana-The Red Cross

    Italiana-The Red Cross
    After all the wars and witnessing their bloody outcomes, social and humanitarian aid intervention was sought. This led to the creation of the Red Cross, which was officially established in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Alemana-War against Denmark

    Alemana-War against Denmark
    Prussia allied with Austria in order to defeat Denmark. The territories of Schleswig, Holstein, and Lauenburg were taken.
  • Italiana-Alliance whit Prussia

    Italiana-Alliance whit Prussia
    Victor Emmanuel allied with Prussia, Austria's rival, to facilitate the annexation of the territory of Venice.
  • Alemania-War against Austria

    Alemania-War against Austria
    The Battle of Sadowa, which pitted Prussia, with Napoleon's help, against Austria, resulted in a defeat for Austria and the signing of the Peace of Prague. Austria accepted the dissolution of the German Confederation.
  • Alemana-Beginnings of a Prussian Empire

    Alemana-Beginnings of a Prussian Empire
    Prussia started joining with the defeated northern German states, beginning the Prussian Empire. This is when Bismarck saw the possibility of a unified Germany.
  • China-Meiji Revolution in Japan

    China-Meiji Revolution in Japan
    Japan closes trade and Western influence, remaining in a feudal system. The U.S. threatens with a bombing if Japan does not open trade, but they only speed up their modernization efforts and become an industrial power by the end of the 19th century.
  • Italiana-Invasion of Rome

    Italiana-Invasion of Rome
    The incorporation of the Papal States was sought, and Victor Emmanuel ordered the invasion of Rome. He settled in the Quirinal Palace and declared Rome the capital of the Kingdom of Italy. Between 1870-1929
  • Alemana-The Franco-Prussian War

    Alemana-The Franco-Prussian War
    Bismarck provoked Napoleon, and he declared war on Prussia. As a result, other powers like Great Britain prevented them from joining the French movement, creating an anti-French sentiment throughout Germany.
  • África - Economic depression in Europe

    África - Economic depression in Europe
    Because of the depression, countries such as Germany, France, and Great Britain, were losing money. Due to cheap labour of Africans, Europeans easily acquired products like oil, ivory, rubber, palm oil, wood, cotton and gum. These products became of greater significance due to the emergence of the Industrial Revolution
  • Alemana-Napoleon's defeat

    Alemana-Napoleon's defeat
    The great defeat against France caused Napoleon to abdicate and forced him into exile in England. The French continued fighting until they were finally defeated.
  • Alemana-Proclamation of the German Empire

    Alemana-Proclamation of the German Empire
    Bismarck gathers the German generals and kings at the Palace of Versailles, proclaiming the German Empire. This shocked all of Europe.
  • China- Industrialization movement expands

    China- Industrialization movement expands
    After the Taiping War, China started an industrialization movement and asked for help from foreign countries. They created steamships, railways for mines, and telegraph companies.
  • África - Stanley secret mision in Congo

    África - Stanley secret mision in Congo
    Stanley went to the Congo as an envoy from Léopold with the secret mission to organise what would become known as the Congo Free State, a mercantile enterprise in the Congo. (1879-1885)
  • África - newly invented machine gun called Maxim

    África - newly invented machine gun called Maxim
    European powers could easily take control of any source of land by using force and violence. The Maxi gun could fire eleven bullets per second, so Africans were at a military disadvantage
  • África - The Berlin Conference

    África - The Berlin Conference
    Thirteen European countries and the United States met in Berlin to agree to the rules dividing Africa, This to explored, divided, conquered and exploit the territory. This conference was called by German Chancellor Bismarck to avoid wars between the European nations about the African territory.
  • China- China's Declining Prestige

    China- China's Declining Prestige
    The disastrous defeat in 1894 and the harsh conditions of the Treaty of Shimonoseki greatly weakened China's prestige, independence, and ability to resist.
  • China- Necessity of build an modern industry

    China- Necessity of build an modern industry
    China needs to quickly build a modern industry, update its army to fight against the growing military and economic power of foreign enemies, and also regain control in Central Asia, they also received foreign loans.
  • China-Industrial techniques in China and Japan

    China-Industrial techniques in China and Japan
    In 1894, the industrial techniques in China and Japan were the same, but the amount of investment in both countries was similar. While the spread-out Chinese companies and their small number compared to the population weakened the effects of industrialization in China, the concentration of companies in Japan had a strong impact.
  • África - European extraction of raw materials

    África - European extraction of raw materials
    Europeans moved into the African interior to explote al the natural resources of África, such as rubber, palm oil, gold, copper, and diamonds.
  • África - Participation of the King Leopold II

    África - Participation of the King Leopold II
    This area of África was given to Leopold by the other European powers with the intent that this be an area of Free Trade for all Europeans. But him started controlling the natives whit Physical aggression nad power abuse. Leopold was stripped of his colony.
  • China- The Chinese Revolution

    China- The Chinese Revolution
    The Chinese Revolution of 1911 led to the creation of the Republic of China, marking the end of the imperialist occupation era and the establishment of a republican government. Despite this, foreign influence remained present.
  • Alemana- First World War

    Alemana- First World War
    The ethnic tensions caused by the conflicts leading to this unification set the stage for the First World War a few years later.
  • África - 90% of Africa divided

    África - 90% of Africa divided
    The 90% of Africa had been divided between seven European countries with only Liberia and Ethiopia remaining independent nations. The disregard of these boundaries often continues to generate conflict in Africa today.
  • Italiana-The Lateran Treaty

    Italiana-The Lateran Treaty
    In this treaty, the existence of the Vatican State was recognized; thanks to this, it was acknowledged as sovereign and independent.
  • India - Muslim League’s claimed for creation of “separate states”

    India - Muslim League’s claimed for creation of “separate states”
    In March 1940, the Muslim League’s “Pakistan” resolution called for the creation of “separate states” – plural, not singular – to accommodate Indian Muslims, whom it argued were a separate “nation”
  • India - Quit India Movement

    India - Quit India Movement
    When Britain took India into the war without consultation in 1939, Congress opposed it; large nationalist protests ensued, culminating in the 1942 Quit India movement, a mass movement against British rule.
  • India - Anti-colonial movements

    India - Anti-colonial movements
    Anti-colonial movements began; Indians wanted independence, and after World War II, due to economic crises, the British gave in.
  • India - The british King announced the India´s independence

    India - The british King announced the India´s independence
    King George VI officially announced India's independence and its division into two states: India and Pakistan.
  • India - The end of colonial rule in India

    India - The end of colonial rule in India
    The end of colonial rule in India led to the creation of three states: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, causing the largest migration in history.
  • India - The biggest Inmigrant situation

    India - The biggest Inmigrant situation
    Hindus and Muslims began moving to where they believed they belonged, creating xenophobic conflicts between the citizens of the two new states, leading to tensions and conflicts between them.
  • África - The independence of African countries after the Partition of Africa

    África - The independence of African countries after the Partition of Africa
    The independence of the African territory began in 1950, Ghana was the first independet country after the Second Global War. This part of the history represents a big change in the african culture, elements like de idea of family, education system and religion were afected and modificated.
  • India - Independence of East Pakistan (Bangladesh).

    India - Independence of East Pakistan (Bangladesh).
    East Pakistan declared its independence, becoming Bangladesh, after a brutal conflict with West Pakistan. The war ended on December 16, 1971, with India's support, leading to Bangladesh's official recognition.
  • India - nuclear weapons

    India - nuclear weapons
    Both countries acquire nuclear weapons, and the situation becomes calm but tense.
  • India - The tension nowdays

    India - The tension nowdays
    India and Pakistan continue to have tensions, mainly over the Kashmir region, which both countries claim. While there are occasional ceasefires, the situation remains unstable, with border clashes and frequent diplomatic disputes.