• Period: 1000 BCE to


    Starts with the rise and fall of the roman empire and how that triggered the beginning of the dark ages which was a bad time for everyone in Europe and to make it even worse the Black Death plague came and killed almost 50% of the population but before that came the Crusades which the church tried to regain control over mostly Jerusalem killing anyone who gets in Gods way.the renaissance and people were happy and the economy was doing well with Europe Trading with the New World
  • 753 BCE


    Rome united Europe for the first time. Roman Law is very important to us now because it forms the basic platform for civil law which is the most used legal system. Roman law influenced many different legal systems also served as a basis for legal practice. Rome falls in 476 when the few roman emperors are overthrown by a barbarian named Odoacer.
  • 500

    Dark Ages

    Dark Ages
    The Dark Ages Lasted until 1500 bad time for Europe basically going backward in innovation with tech, medicine, and education. This was causes by the fall of the Western Roman Empire.For Medicine people normally went to the church for healing/medication so the church had a hold on Dark age europe
  • 1095

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    the crusades were multiple battles held in the name of god where crusaders(Templar) fought to control Jerusalem and other holy land mostly battling Muslims . Knights were given indulgences which means god would forgive all sins. The crusades were mostly unsuccessful with knights sometimes killing women and children.but with heavy loses came lots of knowledge also Benefited traders and kingdoms with land and also economically.
  • 1300

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    Also known as The Rebirth the Renaissance was a huge cultural movement lasted until the 1700 and began in Italy which the economy went to a post feudal economy, people imported technology and also different ideas but also some classical ideas ideas came back. Art also came back in a big way with artist like Leonardo and Michelangelo. the printing press was invented also by Johan Gutenberg in 1440 which changed the world with its ability. Medicine advanced to modern medicine.
  • 1346

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    the Black Death was a plague that went all across Europe killing 40-50% of the people of Europe in just three years. this was spread by fleas and rats. it first came from Asia and signs came in the fall. the plague changed the economy making it change into a merchant society
  • 1500

    Colombian Exchange

    Colombian Exchange
    Was an exchange of foods through the 1600 named after Christopher Columbus in where the new world would trade with the motherland in different good some foods traded with Europe was Squash, Pumpkin, Turkey, Corn, Avocado, Sweet potato and regular potato, some foods traded the other way around they were Mr.Godffrey's favorite the Coffee Bean Onion Olive Citrus Bananas Grade Sugar cane and also livestock and disease the bad ones like smallpox influenza typhus measles malaria and diphtheria
  • 1521

    New Spain

    New Spain
    Spanish colonization granted encomirnda's which gave the colonist the right to force labor upon the natives. Many natives became slaves, they feared a military up rise and learned the secrets of Christianity. Many natives died from disease. Gold and Silver was founded and it was mined by the Natives and it financed the Spanish Empire very greedy. Friars built missions and church's near Indian populations Spanish had the worse relationship with the natives Hernan De Soto explored FL and AL
  • The Chesapeake Colonies

    The Chesapeake Colonies
    James town started as a private charter with 105 settlers only 32 survive in the first winter. a brave person rose his name was John Smith he was a soldier and a adventurer and he negotiated treaty with the local natives but he only survives the first 2 winters. tobacco was a huge cash crop with Europeans but it wasn't a immediate money maker. Britain made the head right system when the population was declining it gave 50 acres to anyone who came over. slaves were needed and pirates brought them
  • Period: to

    English Colonial Societies

    This Time span is about the beginning of colonization with the start of the Chesapeake colonies in Virginia and the Plymouth New England Colonies with the importance and how the glorious revolution came to fruition and what causes the Salem Witch Trails. the foreign trade of the navigation act and also the act of union
  • New England Colonies

    New England Colonies
    Founded in 1620 Plymouth when people sailed on the mayflower they made the mayflower compact to made their settlement legal with was difficult but a native helped the colonist his name was Squanto. The Massachusetts Bay Colonies "ruler"was John Winthrop who was hash in the way he ruled. A separatist named Roger Williams verbally attacked MBC for religion he believed in separation of church and state. Also a Calvinist named Anne Hutchinson was banished from MA and when to new Amsterdam
  • Caribbean Colonies

    Caribbean Colonies
    Sugar was the most important crop in the region because everyone liked it Europeans used sugar for everything Spain,France,England,Holland all had a possession of the region the population had 44,000 people. Barbados was in the possession of England the population was 26,000 and the slaves will out number whites there was no legal recourse for the slaves
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    This was a act passed which required limited dutch trade with English Colonies . Other Acts were passed. Also required goods to be transported on English or colonial american ships
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    1st catholic monarch in over 100 years hes name was James II he wanted a Spanish style colonial government. People had to get a reapplication for land deeds. He also wanted to ally with England and Catholic France. In this they made The English Bill of Rights which William and Mary would sign it included the exclusion of Catholics from the monarchy it also protected peoples basic right made no excessive bail, no cruel and unusual punishment and people got to carry arms for defense. 1688-1689
  • Salem Witch Trails

    Salem Witch Trails
    Many in the town were accused of witchcraft fear was high there were also native raids and the Glorious Revolution hasn't came yet. the trails started with the ministers daughter when she started to act strange dozens of people were dead after it was over
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    The Act of Union united England and Scotland together which made the United Kingdom of Great Britain. New Britain is now a empire. Colonies still had local control. This had a federal system with central authority and a local government. which mold the U.S government system
  • Period: to

    Colonial America

    This is How the beginnings of America were until the Revolution there are lots of main things before that. Like triangular trade and also virtual representation.The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening were both very good things that happened to colonial america a problem was slavery but it also changed the colonies economy there was also a war that lasted 7 years called the French and Indian war
  • Triangular Trade

    Triangular Trade
    It was trade with Colonial America The Caribbean Africa and Europe
    America traded raw goods to Europe and rum with Africa. The Caribbean traded only sugar with America and Europe and Africa sent slaves through the middle passage
  • Virtual Representation

    Virtual Representation
    Salutary Neglect is when England let the Colonist alone to do what they wanted on purpose and militias were formed which are basically a quick way to gather up men
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    Georgia was Originally a penal colony they transplanted prisoner and the poor it was named for King George II it was then a buffer colony its based on enlightened ideals. Great men came up like a man named John Locke Benjamin Franklin they are symbols of American Enlightenment. Deism also came up in the AE deism means that evil came from ignorance. a great scientist named Sir Isaac Newton he founded the idea of gravity.Started from 1685-1815
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    The GA was a jump start in to a higher education.also had Native american revivals they used Jesus as a symbol used pre-contacts ways of life they had no trading with whites and tried getting rid of alcohol. People came at this time like the writer and philosopher and he helped with education.Also George Whitfield was the founder Methodism and the evangelical movement Samuel Davies caused a series of religious revivals that would eventually lead to the disestablishment of the Church of England
  • Slavery CA

    Slavery CA
    The Atlantic slave trade was a inter African trade it was a new source of labor for Europeans by the 1700. the Middle Passage was a system of slave trade where slaves would be sent to be conditioned for labor for the America Colonies. slavery in the lower south was different int the lower south the labor was harder then the upper south but more heritage was preserved in the lower south. Northern slavery was not as vital. slave rebellions where common and slaves sabotaged their masters.
  • Colonial Economies

    Colonial Economies
    The Economy for the colonies was doing pretty good in this time the New England Economy based on the water markets are mostly filled with fish they also built ships and traded in the Atlantic.Mid Atlantic they mostly traded with Europe had agriculture and also a small manufacturing religiously and ethnically diverse. the upper south had tobacco and people are from Scottish or English decent.Lower south had rice a are religiously diverse.Wild country are Scot-Irish mostly farmed wild frontier.
  • 7 Years War

    7 Years War
    Aka French & Indian War where England France and Spain fought each other for territory.Britain wanted more land in the west Britain sends the army to control the Ohio territory. New policy to defeat the French. Its the first world wide conflict British and colonies meant to win Quebec Falls in 1759 and Montreal Captured in 1760 Treaty of Paris signed ended the french rule over america and ended the war. Britain will control new France aka Canada.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War

    This span show that Financial situation after the French and Indian War and the effects of the Boston Massacre.Also show how people were made at taxes and executed the Boston Tea Party.And how some people actually wanted peace with the Olive Branch Petition. Common sense by Thomas Paine and The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson and the other founding fathers with the end in sight the Treaty of Paris of 1783
  • Britain's Financial Position After 7 Years War

    Britain's Financial Position After 7 Years War
    After the 7 Years war Britain was near Bankruptcy and coming up with new revenues. Desperately trying to gain money they passed the revenue act of 1764 which colonist would not like they expressed there dislike to the Revenue act and challenged it to through a petition also the Revenue act allowed the search of private property without a warrant which was big.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    This was a controversial Subject because it was said that the British Soldiers just shot them for nothing but the crowed actually assaulted and harassed the British soldiers after one soldier was knocked out by a rock the soldiers fired into the crowd in self defense but the news got it mixed up and wrote about how British soldiers just shot the crowed. This is the first good example of American propaganda. The British repealed the Townshend act. came up with No taxation with out Representation.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    the East India Company gave monopoly on the tea trade it lowered the price of tea for the colonist and in the Boston Tea Party 340 chest were thrown over and lost because drunk Bostonians dressed up and Indians.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    This was a chance for peace the continental congress sent a petition to the king it got rejected they wanted some support revolution
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    Written by Thomas Paine in 1776 Common Sense was about Independence and talked about a democratic government and attacked the monarchy it. this book was popular and cost efficient it also changes the colonist views of a monarchy.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    It was the only chance they got the colonies declared United and independent states. Thomas Jefferson was in charge of the draft it was completed on the 2nd but signed on the 4th of July. it avoided anti monarchical sentiment and also looked for European allies.Left out some things on purpose because founding fathers knew there times would be different
  • Massachusetts Constitution

    Massachusetts Constitution
    The Massachusetts Constitution Was a model for the Constitution of the USA and was drafted 7 years later the US C used a similar structure and also the MC influenced other state constitutions the MC has 4 pars the preamble,the declaration of rights , and a description of the frame work of government with articles of amendment
  • Period: to

    The Constitution

    We had problems with Britain with lands and forts. then to have place hold document the Articles of Confederation which created problems. Education was and civic duty was a part of the american virtue the north west ordinance was put into place while shays rebellion was a failure and the constitutional convention made two plans to try and help the new states
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The AOC was weak had pensions there was a revolt against the US government. and congress couldn't get anything done because there was no central government authority. they could not force taxation the states did not comply there was a constant shortage of funds. America printed to much money. there was a lack of luxuries people bought things on credit and there was a demand for British goods. there ended up being a recession.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This document will end the the Revolutionary War it recognizes the United States and a independent state. it establishes the northern border with British north america/ Canada. it was suppose to restore loyalist properties but they really didn't. both France and America had access too the Mississippi and would receive land up to the Mississippi river.
  • American Virtue

    American Virtue
    We celebrated the ideas of republicanism. involved everyday citizens corrected state constitutions. little kids actually get a education because before kids didn't really go to school and there are teaching citizens.
  • Enlightenment ideals

    Enlightenment ideals
    Its still the age of enlightenment now people aren't as worried about religion anymore like they use to. There is separation of church and state now. Ordinary citizen have more "power" then they use to meaning there words carry more of an impact. Education is now a good thing that has happened
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    There was a post war recession and farms were seized from there owners so Shays objective was to close courts and formed a military organization to capture the US Springfield arsenal. The rebellion was crushed but Federal Authority problems were link to the articles and the leaders noticed this and they agreed that the AOC needed change.
  • Northwest Ordinace

    Northwest Ordinace
    this was the process for admitting a new state it guaranteed that newly created states would be equal to the original thirteen states it also rejected slavery and appointed a governor a secretary and three judges.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Leaders had two plans to fix the problems with the AoC the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan.The Virginia plan created a two house legislature called upper house and a lower house this planned leaned towards states with bigger populations.The New Jersey plan was for the smaller states and instead of making something else they just modified the AoC where it was a single legislature and was the supreme law of the land the executive was elected by congress and had a less powerful judiciary
  • Period: to


    The new republic starts with the election of George Washington and the formation of the first cabinet after that was the creation of the bill of rights which gave normal people rights that could not be lifted. the Bank of the United States which created problems later on. after the u.s. was established the whiskey rebellion following was John Adams presidency. then the Kentucky resolution came was passed after was the election of Thomas Jefferson.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The anti federalist made the bill of rights and James Madison proposed the idea of the bill of rights but it wast implemented until 3 years later. influence was the English bill of Rights and also George Madison's Virginia Declaration of Rights and other English documents like the Magna Carta. The Bill of Rights play a big role in American Law and Government. there were 14 original copies.
  • Bank of The United States

    Bank of The United States
    the bank created by Alexander Hamilton was made for a depository and it made loans. thought to stabilize the currency and the economy. the bank also had private investors it set constitutional issues questioned if it was constitutional and if they government had to much authority. ultimately Washington goes with Hamilton and the bank was chartered
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    Mostly effected Pennsylvania and Kentucky Farmers Whiskey was very important not just to be but it also earned a lot of profit so the farmers would revolt about 6,000 people threatened to attack Pittsburgh. But Washington leads a army and disperses the situation it was the first domestic test which the US passed .
  • Election of 1796

    Election of 1796
    George Washington did not want a 3rd term so it was John Adams VS Thomas Jefferson and John Adams Will win the election and Jefferson will be Vice President. After Washington terms he wrote The Farewell Address it said a president should only serve 2 terms he wanted US to avoid conflict he didn't want any permanent alliances but temporary ones are okay
  • Adams Presidency

    Adams Presidency
    In the Adams Presidency Jays Treaty caused problems it limited french trade and the french seized ships it also ignored american envoys and US had a undeclared naval war. Adams passed he alien and sedition acts which made it more difficult to become a citizen and gave a lot of power to deporting citizens and the sedition act made it illegal to say bad things against the US or the president it was used against republicans by federalist
  • Kentucky Resolutions

    Kentucky Resolutions
    First an idea by Jefferson it states that the states could nullify unconstitutional laws it was a foundation of the states right slavery and the civil war would be fought on that it passed two time first in 1798 and second the next year but no one knows for sure who the author is.
  • The Election of 1800

    The Election of 1800
    It was the end of the naval war made a treaty also made a division around the federalist Adams is seen as weak now its John Adams Vs Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson wins the Election But ties with Aaron Burr a deal will be made and Hamilton will persuade the house to vote for Jefferson. he will not undo federalist polices.reason for Jefferson wining was because Hamilton and Burr hated each other.12th AM made it so that VP ballots would be separate the the Pres.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Jefferson

    While Jefferson was president a lot of things happened like the Louisiana purchase where he bought it for less than 3 cents a acre after that It was Madison as the president then the War of 1812 happened only to be a draw. The Florida's Adams-Onis Treaty happened and then the benefits of the war of 1812 after that there was the Panic of 1819 which was a very bad time and to add on tot that the Missouri Crisis was a big problem
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Jefferson may be a hypocrite because he believes in a limited government But he buys The Louisiana Territory when offered he bought it very quickly because he was afraid that Napoleon would back out of the offer so there was no time to amend the Constitution. The purchase would have control of the Mississippi river and doubled the size of the nation Only 3 cents per acre
  • Effects of Embargo Act 1807

    Effects of Embargo Act 1807
    Thomas Jefferson passed the embargo act which didnt allow trade with Britain or France the coastal cities didn't like this because they made money off of the trade. After Jefferson's presidency ends James Madison would inherit the Act and the problem was that the embargo act hurt the economy and the south and north east were most affected. the policy will make Britain mad so they gave Natives more firearms and supplies. The Embargo act didnt help anyone only increased tensions with the natives
  • Madison Presidency

    Madison Presidency
    When Jefferson's term ends James Madison becomes the new President he will inherit the Embargo act which would be a big problem. The Embargo Act hurts the economy the south and northeast are mostly affected and it would make the British angry so the British would give the natives more supplies and firearms a man named Tecumseh would take advantage of this chance and raided American settlements
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    This war lasted until 1815, events happened in between those year like in 1813 america would made a land based strategy but the British would push back the Americans From Canada and blocked American ports. In 1814 British will take Washington D.C. to get revenge for Montreal so they Burned the capital. At Fort McHenry Francis Scott Key Wrote the Star Spangled BannerTthe American Navy would beat the British on the Great lakes At the Battle of NO Andrew Jackson would become popular War is a Draw
  • Period: to

    The American Industrial Revolution

    So many changes happened during the Industrial Revolution and in different aspects like agriculture new contraptions what change the way farming works. also Transportation had a huge upgrade. communication was faster then ever when it took weeks to get a message to anyone. Immigration was big with people coming from everywhere. And some free black communities will rise up.With southern society being like a hierarchy with slavery being a big thing in the south
  • Florida

    The US wanted Florida from Spain so Andrew Jackson Attacked Florida Seminoles. the the Adams-Onis Treaty was brought in and it meant that Spain cedes Florida to the US And to recognize the claim to Louisiana.
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    The economy rose greatly after the War the Second Bank of the US was made to Agriculture Prices fell i 1819 so the banks failed Economy fell as fast as it rose it was one of the worse Depressions in US history
  • Changes in Agriculture

    Changes in Agriculture
    There were tools that had huge impact in the growth in agriculture like the iron plow made planting faster.you'd put the plow on a cow and when the cow walked forwards it would leave a scoop for the seeds .The crank churns was use to make butter. the biggest one was the Cotton Gin because it made the process of taking the seeds out of cotton faster. and cotton was already a big cash crop because everyone wanted cotton. south grew cotton Midwest grew grain and east mad livestock dairy and fruit
  • War of 1812 Benefits

    War of 1812 Benefits
    The War Campaign caused Innovation through out the country and the industry was growing fast with mass production, Agriculture and the steam engine. a machine changed everything was the Cotton Gin was invented by Eli Whitney it Removed the seeds from the cotton. Revolutionized Cotton agriculture. slavery was going down until the cotton gun came now there was a demand for slaves.
  • Missouri Crisis

    Missouri Crisis
    as Missouri wanted to go into the US as a slave state. But the north is against it because they are fighting slavery and Missouri entering would just make the south stronger so they made a compromise. The Missouri Compromise set a balance between slave states and free states had a imaginary line at coordinates 36,30 states above the line would be free and below would be slave. This was only a temporary solution guaranteed Future conflict.
  • 2nd Great Awakening

    2nd Great Awakening
    This emphasized Religious romanticism and was intrigued by the supernatural and believed in. Baptist and Methodist growing in size. people had large "camp meetings". Women and Blacks had more public roles than they use too and had a bigger participation in Christianity they ever before
  • Period: to

    Cultural Changes

    the second great awake took place in this cultural change with the temperance movement and revivalism with slavery still being a big topic people call abolitionist work to abolish slavery and anti abolitionist also people called shakers and Mormons come up and try to make history. nature is important now were the making of parks have started and also cemeteries. People gain influence In Greek Architecture reviving Greek art and buildings
  • Millennialism

    they consisted of Shakers and Mormons. Shakers where liberal and believed that they knew when judgement day was so they tried to prepare before it came. They disbanded when multiple judgement days didn't come. Mormons aka the Church of Later Day Saints was founded by a man named Joseph Smith it is believed that he found golden tablets in 1823 said to be written in a ancient language and only Smith could read it. they thought that Natives were the lost tribes of Israel
  • Age of the Common Man

    Age of the Common Man
    Sense of the being an american there is now democracy in america. it is a Equalitarian and mixed society there is universal suffrage with white male. the US is basically a republic of the common man because they are so important now
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    there were 4 candidates which were john q. Adams Andrew Jackson William Crawford and Henry Clay. Although Jackson wins the Popular vote he does not win the Electoral Collage so Adams was chosen as the president Jackson was angry and he may would have won if it wasn't for the corrupt bargain
  • Revivalism

    This is the revival of religion the market revolution was terrible but people believed in free will preachers directly preached to who ever came . the leader of Revivalism and in the 2nd Great Awakening is Charles G Finney he is a Congregationalist, minister and religious writer he was important because he was in innovative preaching and service procedure
  • Period: to

    Age of Jackson

    Also the age of the Common man with the election of 1824 were John Q. Adams won because of the corrupt bargain and implemented the first national bank also had domestic improvements and a national university. Andrew Jackson won the election of 1828 but used a different strategy which appealed to the common man. under Jackson lots of things happened like the spoils system and the nullification crisis and the Native Americans had to leave which created the trail of tears.
  • Temperance

    This movement tried to get rid of alcohol because men drank all day and everyday consumption was always high states put laws against alcohol which reduced the amount of alcohol that was being drunk by a lot. some states even banned alcohol because there was to much support with it. the support was mainly from women because they were the victims in the alcohol problems. Their husbands beat them and rapped them when they were drunk.
  • Adams Presidency

    Adams Presidency
    Under his presidency Adams making industry with tariffs he make the new national bank he also made the fist national university and also a observatory. he isn't really with the people so he isn't aware of the popular democracy and in his next campaign Jackson attacks him
  • Changes of Transportation

    Changes of Transportation
    modern roads were made so people could travel better and with the invention of the steam engine steamboats were also invented and because steamboats are on the water canals were made so boats could get to places. canals are man made waterways. The steam engine also allowed the train to be invented and also came with railroad so the train could go to places faster than what people could travel
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    The way Jackson won this election was his new strategy to get votes he campaigned about his humble origins and his honored career as a military leader and showed the democratic values implemented the Second party system and is also apart of the modern democratic party like how it is today. This election was dirty for Adams and Jackson accusing each other as womanizers and Adams attacked Rachael Jackson's wife. he also gained his nickname old hickory. Rachael had a heart attack and died.
  • Education

    For the first time grades are going to be assigned to students with textbooks and instructions from the teacher there was a compulsorily attendance but there was fear in this with higher taxes and different labor issues in the higher education many new collages will be built formed and opened but many partnered with religion.
  • Prisons

    Penitentiaries will be built to keep prisoners isolated two prison will be built during this time which are Sing Sing Correctional Facility it is a maximum security prison which is in new york the other one is the Eastern State Penitentiary in Pennsylvanian which was also am maximum security prison but there was a flaw they put Mentally ill patients with the general population inmates and there were high casualties so they will get there own prison during this time
  • Jackson's Administration

    Jackson's Administration
    Jackson wins by a landslide because of his new strategy was popular with the common man which is important because the are the ones who vote. the Inauguration party was wild but Rachael died before the inauguration. the made the spoils system which replaced the bureaucracy with his own supporters and he forces most of the cabinet to resign
  • Election of 1832

    Election of 1832
    Jackson wins again for the democratic party the anti Jackson's Henry clay. the BOTUS was disliked by Andrew Jackson he made a speech called the Bank Veto Speech where he explained why he vetoed the bank and laid the vision of the american democracy. Jackson appealed to the common man and declared the courts were not authority on the constitutions. Jackson and clay where running against each other but Jackson destroys clay in the election
  • Changes in Communication

    Changes in Communication
    With communications growing news spreads everywhere very quickly. the telegraph was also invented to that people could communicate from a long distance made a communication system called Morse code they man who invented it is called Samuel Morse its use by a series of taps and holds. Printing also became big because it got new out to the general population easily and quickly, people want t know what they are living around.
  • Election of 1836

    Election of 1836
    Martin won the election by a hair against the Whigs. he got he bad economy from Jackson so the panic of 1837 happened and everyone blamed it on martin now getting the nickname "Martin Van Buren" Van Buren runs for president again in the next election but the Whigs spread rumors about Buren and will lose votes to women convincing there husbands to vote for the Whigs so he lose by a lot and his presidency was over.
  • Growing Cities

    Growing Cities
    With the industry growing the population grows and then cities also grows. But with every big city comes poverty and the first bad places(slums) are created but there are actually neighborhoods with working class people but they were also segregated and separate. Cities were small in the early 1800's but by 1850 the cities were huge metropolises. Mass Transportation help these small cities grow
  • Immigration

    with the cities growing people took notice and there was rural migration but new got to Europe so European immigrants came each with their own reason. The Irish came because they had a potato famine where a disease made the potato inedible. Germans came because they had a bad harvest and bad political problems and also Scandinavians with British for economic opportunities the Midwest and north was where the Germans went the slums went to the Irish had ethnic changes.
  • Southern Society

    Southern Society
    The southern society was more like the English hierarchy with Planters Yeoman Farmers and Tenant Farmers. The Planters were the highest class there they didn't own a lot of slaves only 1 to 9 slaves more was rare. the yeoman farmers send place only 3/4 of them owned slaves they relied slaves come didn't like Planters they formed Militias and caught runaway slaves. the tenant farmers was the lower class about 30 to 50% of the society they associated with slaves when it was seen as wrong.
  • Slavery

    Slaves were mostly used for labor use they were used in to regions: The Upper and Lower South. The lower south was the perfect climate for cotton which slaves picked in the northern part of the south it was a shorter growing season that's why the northern south was bigger on industrialization slaves worked in groups others were blacksmiths cooks maids and carpenters (uncle tom. the life expectancy for slave were 30 years or less depended on where you worked
  • Period: to

    Westward Expansion

    Manifest Destiny is the feeling to expand the country from coast to coast but o do that you must acquire the land from who ever owns it. and its not always as easy as buying the land like the Louisiana purchase because a war will be fought over land and the word gringo came from the Mexican-American War. and the Free soil party was formed because of the slavery.
  • Texas

    Aka Tejas, mexico gave land grants to keep Americans away from expanding anymore (not a very bright idea) the requirements to live there was that you had to become Catholic Learn Spanish Get rid of your slaves.whites outnumbered Hispanics and eventually Texans disobeyed Mexican law. Texas ended up separating from mexico. and in all the fighting came the Texas Revolution . eventually the last battle came and while Santa Anna's forces were sleeping Sam Houston will attack and wins the battle
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    American domination by 1820 in the fur trade hunters made huge profits they hunted beavers till they where almost extinct but the Trappers disappeared by the 1840's. In Jackson Believed the extinction of native Americans which is why he made them relocate. But Americas still feared natives attacking when it was very rare for them to do so.
  • Mormons

    they are victims In manifest destiny they had different communities in the Midwest. Mormons are required to give there property to the church. There leader was Joseph Smith and it is said that god sent down golden tablets and apparently god gave Joseph the power to read these tables and no one else could. Joseph Smith was sent to jail and he was killed by a Angry mob. the Mormons relocated to salt lake valley Utah to get away from the federal government and practice polygamy
  • Election of 1844

    Election of 1844
    John Taylor vs James Polk. Taylor is apart of the Whig Party and Polk is with the Democrats John Taylor wins and his goals are to annex Texas He wants to settle the Oregon Border snd the mexican border because there are big problems with all of those situations. The liberty party rises and they are opposed to slavery, annexation
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    On the border Zachary Taylor goes to the disputed territory when Mexican Dispatch attacks Taylor so Polk uses that to declare war against mexico so american march from Kansas to California. after that California declares independence against mexico. there were only 4 major battles. some generals will be know like Robert E. Lee George McClellan and Ulysses S. Grant after that the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was passed which settled the border and seized over half of mexico's land
  • Wilmot Proviso & Popular Sovereignty

    Wilmot Proviso & Popular Sovereignty
    Wilmot Proviso was the proposal to ban slavery from all the territory acquired from mexico. this was a big deal and was a disaster it was shot down in congress but now democrats and whigs split into free soil and pro-slavery factions. Popular Sovereignty is the ability for states to choose of they wanted to be a free or a slave state so it was up to the common man to decide what kind of that you shall be
  • Election of 1848

    Election of 1848
    This election was a three way battle with Lewis Cass as a democrat Zachary Taylor as a Whig an Martin Van Buren as a free soiler. Taylor claimed to be a no party person no one really know his objectives he was a double agent. For the north he campaigned for Wilmot proviso and the south for pro slavery but no body knew. Martin Van Buren actually supported Wilmot Proviso he also wanted to leave slavery how it was. And Zachary Taylor will win this election easily
  • Sufferage

    this is the right to vote put industrialization changed the way it was so now women worked outside of there homes> there was a convention in 1848 called the Seneca falls convention with consisted of 300 men and women and made the declaration of sentiments and resolutions it secure rights in economics and voting women still could not vote during this time
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    This started with the Californian Gold Rush which caused mass migration and 3 years later the Election of 1852 this election ended the Whig party. The republican party would consist of Free Soilers Whigs and antislavery democrats, they will come together. Nativists rise to as a political party they blamed immigrants for the countries problems. The Differences between the north and south grow as they become more powerful .Abraham Lincoln goes in to office in 1860 the CSA takes fort Sumter...
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    Gold is found in California thousands people migrate to California to try and find gold there was 14 thousand people before in California after the gold rush there was about 200 thousand people. People came because it was easy to find gold all the mining will support industries. there was Chinese migration also put they had the bad end of the mining deal because the suffered from racism and worked in the worse mines
  • Election of 1852

    Election of 1852
    Franklin pierce won the election as a democrat he was also apart of young america he increased international trade and promoted territorial expansion. W infield Scott ran against him and lost he was apart of the Whig party but he was against slavery. The Whig party was falling apart.
  • Republican Party

    Republican Party
    in the north the republican party was made. it consisted of free soilers, Whigs and anti slavery Democrats came together. the democratic party grew in the south and pro slavery Whigs joined the democrats.
  • Nativitst

    Nativist blamed immigrants for all of the American problems. they didn't support poor catholic immigrants from mainly Germany and Ireland. they were called the know nothings or the American Party because they were secret society and only wanted the restriction of immigrants.there leader ways Lewis Charles Levin they will eventually disappear in 2860
  • Industry v Agriculture

    Industry v Agriculture
    The North more more industrialized and this will keep increasing due to the stem engine and immigrant will provide cheap labor. with the development of railroads it made transportation quicker. The South was More agriculture and had small industrialized places and its mostly in the northern south in this agriculture cotton is the cash crop because there is such a big demand for it they used 4 million slaves to work the land the south tries to industrialize but they cant keep up.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    In the Democrats John Breckenridge was the official candidate and john bell was the unofficial candidate and the democratss ae starting to divide. The republicans had Abraham Lincoln he had very few political enemies he had a moderate feeling about the slavery problem they were all liked by different part of the country and Lincoln ended up winning because of the division of the democrats.
  • Confederate States of America

    Confederate States of America
    the president for the CSA will be Jefferson Davis they had the same kind of government as the Unites states but they had slavery. they refused to go back to the union, CSA got all federal property except two forts. in Fort Sumter South Carolina union troops were in trouble so Lincoln told south Carolina that they were resupplying. but the south needed to show aggression they ordered the garrison to surrender but the union soldiers ignored them so Beauregard attacked and the Union surrendered
  • International

    in international situations there was the cotton embargo it is when the south buts an embargo on there own cotton. It was used to pressure the french and the British into helping the Souths government. Also the Trent affair was going on it was when the Confederates sent diplomats to Europe but the union didn't like this so they sent the USS San Jacinto to intercept the RMS Trent after that the British wanted a apology and the confederates diplomat's where released
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    The Civil War

    Tension grows high the two sides prepare for battle. Both sides have Pros and cons. neutral states are in the middle of everything but also still have to deal with the war there was a big gap in leadership between the north and south both sides have to have armies and women had to step up and take over whilst the men go to war. With the war over it was a time to take a small break so Abe Lincoln tries to have fun but.......
  • North

    the North had the greater numbers with 22 million people and had way more industrial capabilities with over 110,000 factories and a industry worth about 1.5 billion dollars they have 97% of all weapons manufacturing and 94 % of the clothing in the united states they also have a big advantage with railroad and that means the north can send troops quickly to anywhere they needed them they believed they were fighting for the constitution
  • South

    The South was horribly outnumbered with a population of 5.5 million the industrialization isnt as good with only 18,000 facotis and a 155 million industry they only own 3% of the weapons manufacturing an 6% of the clothing production which means that they had to scavage supplies form the dead men in the battle fields they only had 9,000 miles of track but had amazing leadership which was one of the only advantages the south had against the north
  • Border/Neutral States

    Border/Neutral States
    the border states consisting of Missouri Kentucky Maryland and Delaware will stay neutral during the war but both sides will try to gain influence
  • Grants Plan

    Grants Plan
    this tactic was very aggressive his plan was to attack the AOP and destroy lees army and take Richmond he also wants to take Atlanta and divide the south into three parts he lost a lot of men using this plan. he takes and sieges Richmond and Petersburg while that Sherman takes Atlanta and marches to Savannah while marching he destroys everything in his path first time that war was brought to the civilian population
  • Life in Reconstruction

    Life in Reconstruction
    different types of people came up in the reconstruction of the south. called carpetbaggers scalawags and former slaves. the Carpetbaggers are northerners who move to the south for an economic opportunity Scalawags are white labeled as a traitor by different southerners they made money by the manipulation of black voters former slaves made up 80% of the southern party so they were mostly republicans
  • Plans for the South

    Plans for the South
    Lincoln's 10% plan or the amnesty & reconstruction plan pardoned all southerners except for officers and officials they would take a oath and would apply for federal recognition and form new state governments in the Wade-Davis bill, they wanted "justice" so they proposed to punish the confederate leaders, destroy slave society, make them take a oath declaring they didn't have anything to do with the confederacy, they wanted the officers not be a citizen and for states to be readmitted
  • Former Slaves

    Former Slaves
    with slaves freed The freedman's bureau was created it was a relief organization for the south they provided Food Education and confiscated slaves to give to the freed slaves. many Free men will wander to move to somewhere else or to try and find their loved ones. many former slaves went to cities to get a job but were paid little and they work was hard they were promise 40 acres and mule but it wasn't always true they saw them slaves and independent with there own land
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    there were different plans for reconstruction of the Newly born country specifically 2 different plans. Lincoln proposed a 10% plan aka Amnesty & Reconstruction Plan and the Wade-Davis Bill which were different in leniency. The Freedmen's Bureau was made as a relief organization for the south this helped alot of former slaves now free men. After the assassination of Abraham Lincoln Andrew Johnson became president
  • Appomattox Courthouse/End of the War

    Appomattox Courthouse/End of the War
    at the siege at Petersburg and Richmond Grant Starved out Lee's army and force him to retreat after that Lee surrenders to Grant on April 9 1865 and all the Confederate forces surrender in the later year in June this was the worse battle in us history with over 650,000 Americans Dead by the end of the war and that isn't counting the wounded or missing.
  • Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson
    After the presidents assassination Vice president Andrew Johnson took office. He opposed succession was openly racist he supported the lenient readmission policy He took a oath to return all land and renounced succession and ratified the 13th amendment he let the high ranking officers go he later on goes and get impeached for firing the secretary of state he didn't lose office because he resigned before getting impeached
  • President Grant

    President Grant
    The election of 1868 was between Army General Ulysses s. grant and Horatio Seymour. Grant was the republican and Seymour was a democrat. the election showed that the north and south white people were racist. the black peoples vote was very important black people were intimidated in to not voting. The 15th amendment was implemented to protect black votes but because of this white people resisted they didn't like rights going to blacks organizations were made White Brotherhood and Ku Klux Klan
  • Election of 1876

    Election of 1876
    It is Between Samuel Tilden as a democrat and Rutherford Hayes as a republican the issues were corruption, Reconstruction and economy. the popular vote went to Tilden but the electoral votes were unclear so the compromise of 1877 was mad which gave Hayes the electoral votes but he had to end the reconstruction and remove federal troops from the south this is the beginning of total suppression for black people living in the south
  • New South/Lost Cause

    New South/Lost Cause
    The new south was a society built around oppression and segregation the economy was growing quickly with more industrialization urbanization and new rail roads taxes get cut people are spending less public education. The lost cause was just southerners needing a way to justify losing the civil war they thought that their society was braver than the north because the union had unfair advantages like weapons and population it brought modern propaganda.