DC US history timeline 3

  • Library of Congress

    Library of Congress
    In 1800, the United States Library of Congress was founded.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The United States purchases the Louisiana territory from the French. This purchase doubles the size of of the United States
  • Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific

    Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific
    The members of the Lewis and Clark expedition reach the Pacific Coast. This makes them the first Americans to set foot on this newly acclaimed territory.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The United States declares war on Great Britian due to there interference of American trade shipping overseas.
  • Star Spangled Banner

    Star Spangled Banner
    Francis Scott key writes the Star Spangled banner, which will soon become our national anthem.
  • trail of tears

    trail of tears
    Roughly 15,000 Cherokee Indians were forced to march over 5,000 miles from Georgia to what is now Indian territory in Oklahoma. Nearly 4,000 of them died on the trip there.
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War
    The United States declares war on Mexico in order to attempt to take over what is now California, among other southwestern territories.
  • Secession of the South

    Secession of the South
    South Carolina seceded from the United States. This was closely followed by ten more states which would eventually form the Confederacy.
  • declaration of civil war

    declaration of civil war
    The Confederacy formally declared war against the Union, marking the first civil war and American history.
  • end of the civil war

    end of the civil war
    The south officially surrenders the Union, this marks the end of the civil war.
  • Lincoln assassination

    Lincoln assassination
    Shortly after the end of the Civil War, president Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.
  • Statue of Liberty Dedication

    Statue of Liberty Dedication
    The Statue of Liberty is dedicated in New York Harbor