The American Revolution

  • Seven Years War Ends

    The war between France and the British end, causing the French to leave a portion of land to the British. The British began to tax the colonists due to expenses from this war, leading to ideas of revolution.
  • The Stamp Act Passes

    The Stamp Act was a tax imposed on the American colonists due to the war debt of Britain. It required a stamp to be purchased for the purchase of other item such as documents, newspapers, cards, and more.
  • Occupation Of Boston

    Great Britain sends troops to the colonies to enforce laws and taxes imposed on the colonists, as well as to monitor the uprising in Boston. This increased tensions between the two, and led to the Boston Massacre.
  • Boston Massacre

    A riot broke out in Boston as a result of the treatment of the British government towards the colonists. Nine British soldiers opened fire and killed 5 colonists. This sparked extreme anger in the colonists and they used it as propaganda against the British.
  • Lexington And Concord

    The first battle of the American Revolution. The American colonists won, causing many more to join the side of independence and revolution.
  • Congress Adopts The Deceleration Of Independence

    The Deceleration Of Independence was a document written and signed by many colonists that established America as an independent colony, breaking ties with Great Britain. It told their reasons and motivations to the British government.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the war. The American win caused foreign countries to become convinced they could defeat the British. It gave the colonists hope that they could win.
  • France Enters The War

    After the Battle of Saratoga, France entered the war on the side of the Americans. They sent soldiers and military aid to the American army, and helped them in their war against the British. Their support ultimately helped the colonists win their independence in the end.
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    Siege Of Yorktown

    The American and French soldiers surrounded the British army in Yorktown. The British general, Cornwallis, surrendered on October 19th, 1781. The British army began to crumble and begin making peace negotiations with the Americans.
  • Signing Of The Treaty Of Paris

    The official end of the American Revolution. British and American soldiers signed a document that recognized America as its own independent country, as well as granted them western territory.