Daylin Clarke 8-4 Spanish Timeline

By DayQuil
  • 500

    The Visigoths take over much of Spain.

    The Visigoths take over much of Spain.
    The Visigoths took over Spain when it was at its most vulnerable. Since Spain was so big it was hard to control so the Visigoths used this to their advantaged. It is important as it marks the start of Christianity being implemented into Spain.
  • 711

    The Moors invade Spain and named it Al-Andalus.

    The Moors invade Spain and named it Al-Andalus.
    The Moors crossed over the Strait of Gibraltar from North Africa. They dominated most of the southern region of the peninsula and renamed it Al-Andalus.
  • 718

    The Reconquista begins by the Christian to retake Spain.

    The Reconquista begins by the Christian to retake Spain.
    The Reconquista was led by Christian forces in an attempt to reclaim their land. The first Muslim city that was captured was Toledo in 1085. The Reconquista was considered over when the conquistadors of King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella I captured Granada in 1492.
  • Jul 26, 1139

    The Kingdom of Portugal is first established on the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula.

    The Kingdom of Portugal is first established on the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula.
    The Kingdom of Portugal found its origins in the County of Portugal, a semi-autonomous county of the Kingdom of Leon. Portugal's independence took place in three stages, the first on 26, July, 1139 when Afonso Henriques was acclaimed King of the Portuguese. The second was on 5 October 1143 when Alfonso VII of Leon and Castile recognized Afonso as king. The third in 1179, when Portugal's independence was recognized by Pope Alexander III.
  • Aug 19, 1469

    Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon are married.

    Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon are married.
    After the Reconquista, Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon got married. When they got married the two kingdoms or Castile and Aragon were unified, both of those kingdoms being the largest at the time. This is important and is shows the impact of the alliance the Christian and Catholic kingdoms had during the Reconquista.
  • Nov 1, 1478

    The Spanish Inquisitions begin.

    The Spanish Inquisitions begin.
    The Spanish Inquisition started because of Isabella and Ferdinand, believing that they would be stronger with just one religion. The inquisition was both a Civil and religious court. The court was set up to judge if the Jews and Muslims that converted were true Roman Catholics, but it soon became a place where they judged anyone accused of heresy. If you were found guilty you would be tortured or killed. This is important as its a big part of history and shows how inhumane it was back then.
  • 1492

    Queen Isabella sponsors the expedition of Christopher Columbus. He discovered the New World.

    Queen Isabella sponsors the expedition of Christopher Columbus. He discovered the New World.
    After the Reconquista Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand wanted to explore to undiscovered lands. They sponsored Christopher Columbus and he set sail towards the west across the Atlantic, reaching land in the Caribbean and claiming it for Spain. This is important as this one action led to a bunch of problems and conflict, such as the slave trade.
  • Jan 2, 1492

    The Reconquista ends with the conquest of Grenada. The Jews are expelled from Spain.

    The Reconquista ends with the conquest of Grenada. The Jews are expelled from Spain.
    The Reconquista ended when Ferdinand and Isabella conquered Granada. This marked the end of the Moorishs control over Spain that took over 700 years to do. This is important as it shows how teamwork and trust can defeat any challenge.