Kate Day Civil Rights timeline

  • Congress of Racial Equality

    Congress of Racial Equality
    Civil Rights: rights that protect and individuals freedom created by the government
    - CORE was an organization created to reform civil rights peacefully
    - CORE went on to desegregate many public facilities in the North
  • Jackie Robinson Hired to the Brooklyn Dodgers

    Jackie Robinson Hired to the Brooklyn Dodgers
    Color Line: a barrier created by custom, law, and economic differences, that separate whites from nonwhites
    - In 1945 Jackie crossed the color line when he was hired by the major leagues
    - He was the first black Major League baseball player
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    Segregation: Excluding people from doing something because of their race or religion
    - African Americans said that they would not fight in a war if they were being segregated against, so the Executive Order was created
    - The Executive Order desegregated anyone of any race or religion in the Armed Forces
  • Advocates for Black Nationalism

    Advocates for Black Nationalism
    Nation of Islam, Malcom X: Nation of Islam is an African American religion movement, Malcom X was an African American Muslim minister and human rights activist
    - Black Nationalism is complete separation from the white race
    - They thought that the only way to get freedom would be to separate from whites and be violent
  • Brown v. Board of Education Ruling

    Brown v. Board of Education Ruling
    Thurgood Marshall: fought for the right of african american children to be educated in whatever school they wanted
    -The ruling dismantled legal segregation in all white schools
    -Several cases that were taken through the court system at one time and up to the Supreme Court
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott (start)

    Montgomery Bus Boycott (start)
    Boycott & Rosa Parks: Boycott is to protest or stop relations with something Rosa Parks was a black woman who refused to move from her seat on the bus and was arrested for it
    - The boycott started because of Rosa and for one day 90% of African Americans that normally rode the bus honored the boycott for their rights
    - They then chose Martin Luther King Jr. to lead the boycott and they organized carpools and ways of getting places they needed without riding the bus
  • Integration of Central High School

    Integration of Central High School
    Little Rock Nine: 9 black students that were to join about 2,000 white students at Central High School
    - The Little Rock Nine went to school and were subjected to violence and profanity from the white students towards them and their race
    - The schools were shut down for a year because they were trying to postpone integration, but reopened and integrated
  • First Lunch Counter Sit-in

    First Lunch Counter Sit-in
    Jim Crow Laws & Sit-in: Jim Crow laws enforced Segregation in America, Sit-ins were when people sat at restaurants that wouldn't serve them
    - African Americans wanted to sit and eat at Woolworths but were denied and didn't like it so they sat there and came back the next day with more people to sit with them
    - Eventually the businesses gave in and the fist African American ate On July 25, 1960 at Woolworths
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Civil Disobedience: peaceful protest against something protester disagrees with
    -CORE was involved with organizing these freedom rides
    -CORE ended up abandoning the Freedom Rides, but SNCC continued them
    -Some freedom riders were beat up for their cause
  • Birmingham Campaign: Letter from a Birmingham Jail

    Birmingham Campaign: Letter from a Birmingham Jail
    SCLC: Southern Christian Leadership Conference
    - Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested along with 50 other people for protesting without permits at the Birmingham city hall
    - Martin wrote a letter from jail stating that if they didn't keep protesting that nothing would ever get done and they wouldn't have and rights
  • Civil Rights Act of 1965

    Civil Rights Act of 1965
    Plessy v. Ferguson: This ase upheld the constitutionality of segregation under the "Separate but equal act"
    - The Civil Rights Act banned all discrimination between sex, religion, race, and national origin
    - This was the most important Civil Rights law passed since reconstruction
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    Disenfranchise: not allowing people to vote
    -Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965
    -African Americans got the right to vote because of this act
  • Watts Riot

    Watts Riot
    Kerner Commission & ghettos: Kerner Commission was the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders that concluded that white racism was the fundamental cause of the Watts riot and Ghettos were places where only one ethnic group lived
    - Watts riot was caused because of police brutality
    - It lasted for 6 days, 34 people died, 900 were injured and over 4000 were arrested
  • Black Panther Party Founded

    Black Panther Party Founded
    Black Power: A movement in support of political and economic rights for African Americans
    - The Black Panther party was a group of people that demanded economic and political rights and weren't afraid to take violent action
    - The Black Panthers were best known for stopping the mistreatment of blacks by law enforcement
  • Civil Rights act of 1968

    Civil Rights act of 1968
    Discrimination: judging someone or not talking to them because of their religion, sex, race, or beliefs
    - The Civil Rights Act of 1968 was a ban that included discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on their religion, sex, race, or national origin
    - The act was passed right after Martin Luther King junior was assisnated
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    - The March on Washington was fighting for African Americans jobs and freedom rights
    - 250,000 people marched in Washington and it was the largest political march ever in the United States
  • Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education

    Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education
    Desegregation: The ending of a policy of racial segregation
    - It was a 1971 court ruling that busing was an acceptable way of school integration
    - Students normally went to all black or all white schools and using buses to take them outside of their towns was a good way to create racial balanced schools
  • Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

    Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
    Affirmative action: a policy that calls on employers to actively seek to increase the number of minorities in their workforce
    - Regents of the University of California v. Bakke was a supreme court ruling that barely upheld affirmative action, declaring that race may be one factor, but not the sole criteria, in school admissions
    - The ruling was a hard decision to come to because they were deeply divided