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Day in the Life

  • 7:45 am- Waking Up

    7:45 am- Waking Up
    On a normal day, I will wake up at around 7:45 to be able to get to my first class by 8:40. During this time, I will take my dogs out, eat breakfast, talk to my parents, and get ready for the day.
  • 8:40 am- Starting School

    8:40 am- Starting School
    On a normal school day, my first class starts at 8:40. I log onto the zoom to see my french teacher and my other classmates who are also online. In this class, we do a warmup, listen to music, and do our assignments for the day.
  • 9:32 am- Math Class

    9:32 am- Math Class
    My next zoom starts around 9:32, which is my math class. We often do a warmup, talk about any exciting news, and being the lesson for the day. It is one of my favorite classes because my teacher makes it really fun.
  • 10:24 am- AP Art

    10:24 am- AP Art
    After my math class, I hop onto my AP art class which is really fun. In that zoom, my teacher explains the assignments, takes our attendance, and then lets us do our work. This art class is different from my others because I can work at my own pace as long as I turn my artwork in. This is also my last required zoom class of the day.
  • 11:00 am- Cyber Schoolwork

    11:00 am- Cyber Schoolwork
    At around this time after my zooms are done for the morning. I will grab a quick snack, refill my water bottle, and being my cyber school work. I often write down all of my assignments for the week and write out a schedule. I usually start with my English assignments, and then I will get halfway through my History assignments before lunch.
  • 12:15 pm- Lunch

    12:15 pm- Lunch
    At around this time, I will stop finish whatever assignment I am working on, and I will go downstairs for lunch. Because all of my siblings do cyber and both of my parents often work from home, we all sit together or at least talk to each other at lunch. My sister and I will sometimes take the dogs for a walk as well. Along with that, I will also take the time to email my teachers if I have questions or talk to my friends.
  • 2:40pm - Getting Ready

    2:40pm - Getting Ready
    I usually stop my schoolwork at this time and I start getting ready for practice. whether it is cross country practice or track practice, I always being to get ready at this time. I will change into my running clothes, pack my bag with a towel for core, my spikes, and my roller. Once I do that, I head downstairs, fill my water bottle, and put on my running shoes.
  • 2:55 pm- Leave for Practice

    2:55 pm- Leave for Practice
    Once I finish getting ready for practice, I will grab my keys and drive to the track at West.
  • 3:10 pm- Practice Starts

    3:10 pm- Practice Starts
    At around this time, practice will start. Our coach will talk to use about what either the week looks like as well as the day. He will talk to us about what races we have coming up and what minutes we are running for the day. Most of the time he will talk for about 20 minutes before we start running.
  • 1:00 pm- Pickup with School

    1:00 pm- Pickup with School
    I usually start school back up around this time. I will often finish up my history work if I had not done so already, and move onto my other classes. I will usually do my AP psychology assignments next, or work on reading the sections for the week. Once I am finished with that, I will move onto my Natural Disasters class. However, most of the time I am unable to finish the assignments before cross country or track practice.