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By viviano
  • day i was born

    day i was born
    born at genisis in grand blanc, mom was happy of my birth born at night.
  • got an education

    got an education
    started preschoolwas a little rugrat but stillpassed at young age.
  • basketball

    started playing basketball in a league in 3rd grade for upward.
  • fenton

    started 5th grade in fenton was a big moment for me cause i transfered from grand blanc. I was new had to make new friends.
  • accident

    snowboarding fell and I bit a split in my tounge i still have the scar.
  • moved schools

    moved schools
    came to holly transfered from fenton 6th grade had a clean sleet.
  • newborn

    had a baby brother it was important to me becausei waa the oldest did'nt know what haveing a brother was like.
  • new sport

    new sport
    started first year of footall to try a new sport important just to see what it was like.
  • moved up

    moved up
    started first year of middle school at holly i was nervous to step up. 7th grade
  • wrong perscription

    wrong perscription
    my doctor perscribed me the wrong glasses he thought i needed glasses and i didnt so that could've messed up my eyes.
  • staples

    I had gotten staples and a concussion from a faygo water bottle because it hit me in the head pretty hard with the cap and i stil have the scar.
  • trouble

    I had got a detention on my report card for being tardy to class to much
  • top dog

    top dog
    i started 8th grade and I finnaly knew what stepping up to the plate and to be the oldest gradfe in the building was like.
  • highschool

    statred high school still going strong through I have to get my prioritties straight and map out my future.
  • basketball older age

    basketball older age
    I have to train for upcomeing basketball and that important to me because in want a career out of it.