Motor control circuits wiring to troubleshooting

Day 1- Mason C

  • Day 1- Mason C

    Day 1- Mason C
  • Day 2

    We went out and checked out two different job sites that we could possibly have in the future as production. One was a family's house to go around and test outlets today to see what needs replacement. The second one was a small store/apartment that needs to be renovated into a deli and apartment. The apartment needs a ton of work to get up to inspection standards.
  • Day 3

    Works on Mike Holt in the morning on motors and learned More about ice cubes for a lab that was going to happen later in the day
  • Day 4

    We worked on blookit questions to play a blookit on motor controls after first period
  • Day 5

    We read about until 3 and 4 of Mike Holt and took a quiz at the end. Came back to the class and watched a video to fully understand the two units.
  • Day 6

    We went over all our Mike Holt assignments in the morning. I left ad went to work for the rest of the day
  • Day 7

    Me and Eric wired a forward and reverse motor starter. We also put a electric hold on it.
  • Day 8

    We continued with the wiring projects from yesterday
  • Day 9

    I wired the red wires of a normally closed emergency stop with two ice cube relays in the middle to control two light diodes. I was doing it solo and asked for help twice to understand the wiring diagram, I do believe that I am getting better with understanding the diagrams. All I have to do is wrap up the neutral white wires tomorrow.
  • Day 10

    We continued doing projects from the previous days
  • Day 11

    units 8 and 9 of Mike Holt in which we learned about over current protection as well as Indicator Lights.
  • Day 12

    Doing the wiring diagrams with explanations for number 1 and 2
  • Day 13

    Continued learning about ladder logic and trying to write them up
  • Day 17

    wired up limit switches to turn on lights/motors with contact relays for controls.
  • Day 15

    I wired up project number 1
  • Day 16

    I did multiple practice tests for the DSA and the motor control final
  • Day 17

    I did the PLC assignment that you provided for us. Started to understand them but struggled at the end.
  • Day 18

    We did the Skills USA test in the morning, went back to shop to complete the motor control final and do the mid term DSA.
  • Day 19

    We did the ladder logic assignments you provided to us for numbers 5 and 6.
  • Day 20

    We started with code questions in the morning doing them on our own, we came back out to our tables and went over 3 questions that we struggled with.
  • Day 21

    We started the morning with ladder logic number 7 and moved onto the blooket