day 1 history of an atom

  • 460 BCE

    Democritus 460BCE-370BCE

     Democritus 460BCE-370BCE
    everything is composed of atoms
  • John Dalton 9/1766-7/1844

     John Dalton 9/1766-7/1844
    all mater was composed of atoms
  • Dmitri Mendeleev 2/1834-2-1907

     Dmitri Mendeleev 2/1834-2-1907
    created first periodic table
  • Eugene Goldstein 9/1850-12/1930

     Eugene Goldstein 9/1850-12/1930
    study of the cathode, discovered protons
  • J.J Thomson 12/1856-8/1940

     J.J Thomson 12/1856-8/1940
    discovered the electron
  • Max Planck 4/1858-10/1947

     Max Planck 4/1858-10/1947
    describe the behavior of particles and waves at the atomic scale
  • Robert Millikan 3/1868-12/1953

     Robert Millikan 3/1868-12/1953
    the electric charge carried by a single charge, all drops had charges
  • Ernest Rutherford 8/1871-10/1937

     Ernest Rutherford  8/1871-10/1937
    demonstrated that the atom has a tiny and heavy nucleus
  • Niels Bohr 10/1885-11/1962

     Niels Bohr 10/1885-11/1962
    the hydrogen atom, energy is only transferred in certain well-defined quantities
  • Erwin Schrodinger 8/1887-1/1961

     Erwin Schrodinger 8/1887-1/1961
    electron cloud model probability of finding electrons in orbits
  • James Chadwick 10/1891-7/1974

     James Chadwick  10/1891-7/1974
    bombarded beryllium atoms with alpha particles and an unknow radiation occurred
  • Werner Heisenberg 12/1901-2/1976

     Werner Heisenberg 12/1901-2/1976
    atomic theory, particles position, and momentum can not both be known exactly