Bryon (age 67) is contemplating his life accomplishments as a retired man. He thought about his life goals and realized he has completed all of them. He had the number of kids he wanted, the career he wanted, and traveled the word as he had hoped he would. In Erikson's 8th stage, ego integrity vs. despair, the crisis is seeing their lives as unproductive, feel guilt about the past, or feel as though life goals were unaccomplished, leading to despair. -
Jeffery (age 5), is in kindergarten and the teacher gave them 15 minutes of free choice. Jeffery decided to and make up his own game for him and some of his other class members to play, developing initiative. In Erikson's 3rd stage, initiative vs. guilt the crisis is having their initiative squelched, either through criticism or control, making them develop a sense of guilt. The expected outcome -
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Lily (age 3) had a sense of independence and decided that she wanted to start picking out her clothes and dressing herself. Her mother saw her clothes and thought they were oddly matched and knew she was not dressed appropriate. Because she was criticized by her mom, she felt a sense of shame and doubted her abilities.
In Erikson's 2nd stage, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, the crisis is having a lack of self-esteem, and feeling a sense of shame and doubt in their abilities.