dawns timeline

  • birth age 0/1

    birth age 0/1
  • high school graduation age 18

    high school graduation age 18
  • graduation from college age 22

    graduation from college age 22
  • first car age 23

    first car age 23
  • first house age 24

    first house age 24
  • married age 26

    married age 26
  • baby number 1 age 27

    baby number 1 age 27
  • college for baby age around 44

    college for baby age around 44
  • marry for baby age 46

    marry for baby age 46
  • home paid off age 47

    home paid off age 47
  • sea of stars first vacation age 47

    sea of stars first vacation age 47
  • collects social security age 68or 69

    collects social security age 68or 69
  • death age 82

    death age 82