Davis/Stiles Family

By peart47
  • Period: to

    Estimated birth of Hugh M. Stiles in Ohio

    Range based on the 1880 U.S. census. Further research needed.
  • Period: to

    Likely birth of Margaret Davis in De Witt Co., IL to Joseph Davis and Elizabeth Coppenbarger

    Range based on information from the 1880 U.S. census and her marriage to John Kelly.
  • Marriage: Davis-Davis

    Marriage: Davis-Davis
    Robert C. Davis married Miss Margaret A. Davis in De Witt County, IL
  • Divorce: Davis-Davis

  • Marriage: Stiles-Davis

    Marriage: Stiles-Davis
    Hugh M. Stiles married Mrs. Margaret A. Davis in De Witt County, IL.
  • Likley birthdate of Clara May Stiles

    Likely born in Atlanta Twp., Logan Co., IL. Based on records: 1880 U.S. census, marriage: Buttolph-Stiles, Clara's death certificate, and her two obituaries.
  • Newpaper Article

    Article describing custudy issues and shootout between the Davis and Stiles families in De Witt Co., IL.
  • Divorce: Stiles-Stiles

  • Likely marriage of Hugh Stiles and Sarah Cartwright

    Likely marriage of Hugh Stiles and Sarah Cartwright
    Based on the 1880 U.S. census and the age of their youngest child, Mathew.
  • Marriage: Kelly-Styles

    Marriage: Kelly-Styles
    John M. Kelly married Mrs. Margaret Styles in De Witt County, IL.
  • 1880 U.S. census: Styles

    1880 U.S. census: Styles
    The family was living in Aetna Twp., Logan Co., IL
  • 1880 U.S. census: Kelly

    1880 U.S. census: Kelly
    John and Margaret lived in Kenney, Tunbridge Twp., De Witt Co., IL.