1035 BCE
David Is Born
King David was born in the year 980BC in Jerusalem, Bethlehem -
Period: 1035 BCE to 961 BCE
David’s Lifespan
1025 BCE
David is anointed by Samuel
At the age of 13 King David is anointed king by the prophet Samuel -
1020 BCE
David defeats Goliath
David is still a Shepard boy and he comes out to the fields to bring food to his brothers. Goliath is making fun of God and then David challenges Goliath. Goliath takes off his helmet and then David uses a sling to launch a rock and kills Goliath. -
1010 BCE
David is made commander of 1000 men and banished from Saul’s court.
David is banished from Saul’s court because Saul becomes jealous of David and his popularity. -
1008 BCE
Saul offers his Daughter Michal to David for marriage
Saul sees how successful David is as a warrior and offers his daughter to David for marriage. -
1006 BCE
David flees to Achish
Jonathan warns David to flee from Saul, so David flees to Achish. -
1004 BCE
David encounters Saul and 3000 of his men
David encounters Saul at a camp at Hakilah. David spares Saul’s for the second time and flees to Gath with 600 men -
997 BCE
David conquers Jerusalem
In the year 997 BC David conquers Jerusalem,rebuilds it and then moves to Hebron -
961 BCE
David dies
David dies from natural causes.