David STAAR 8

  • 1215

    Manga Carta

    english law that limited the power of the king
  • 1500


    economic system between great brittan and its colonies,they felt violated their freedom to trade with other contries
  • Jamestown

    first English colonie in america-settled for tobbacco
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    southern colonies formed

    tobacco, harsh winters and fertile soil, anglican
  • virginia house of burdgess

    first form of representative government in america
  • mayflower compact

    first written contract, promise the pilgrams made to stick together
  • fundimental orders of connecticut

    one of the first forms of representative governments
  • french & indian war

    fought between the french and the native americans vs. Great Brittan over the teritory west of the appalachian mountains. it increased the debt of great
  • proclamation line

    line set after the french and indian war
    they werent allowed to go past the line
  • Period: to

    Gearge washington presidency

    set up the presidential cabinet
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    a protest to the first tax that was placed after the constitution was written president George Washington shut it down his military
  • pinckney's treaty

    a treaty signed by spain to allow the u.s. to trade in new orleans
  • Washington's farewell address

    don't get involved in foreign affairs don't have political parties
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    John adams presidency

    first president to claim a political party he was a leader of the federalist party(strong central government) allowed the central (federal) government to to imprison you if you were from a foreign country
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    thomas jefferson's presidency

    he was a leader of the democrat-republican part (states rights) he fought in the barbary war first was as an official country
  • louisiana purchase

    president jefferson bought it and it doubled the size of the u.s.
  • Marbury vs Madison

    this supreme court case set up the judicial review first supreme court case