David Gilmour

  • Birth

    David was born in Grantchester Meadows, Cambridge. His parents were Douglas Gilmour and Sylvia Gilmour. David was born an only child.
  • Period: to

    Life of David Gilmour

  • His First Music

    At age 13 he got his first guitar. His neighbor let him barrow it and never returned it. Learned to play guitar from an inntructor record and book.
  • His Friend

    He met Syd Barrett around 1965. Syd is and oringinal member and singer of Pink Floyd. In 1965 they were busking in the South of France.
  • His Time

    He was recruited into Pink Floyd. He was to " flesh out their sound". Just soon after that Syd left the band. David was now part of the band later on.
  • Meet us on the Dark Side of the Moon

    made an album called ' Dark Side of the Moon'. It was on the top 200 for 14 years. Which set a world record.
  • The Fight

    Roger Waters - a member of Pink Floyd- got into a huge fight with Pink Floyd and david Gimour. He sued for the rights of the name. Soon after that the it was settled
  • Rock and Roll Forever

    They got into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
  • A Tribut to Remember

    David hired an Australian Pink Floyd to tribut him. Now the Australian Band goes around the world trubuting Pink Floyd.
  • CBE Means What

    David was awarded the CBE. CBE mean Commander in the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.