David Delgado-Rodriguez 1 US1

  • The Spinning Jenny

    "flying shuttle" A cotton spinning for converting raw cotton into thread
  • Steam Engine

    England's invention that is used to create power that went on machines
  • Samuel Slater Smuggles Ideas to America

    worked 6 years on a textile learned how to create a cotton spinning machine and brought it to america to make money
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    The french revolution

  • Period: to

    Washington's presidency

    Washington was the first president
  • The judiciary act

    Still used to this day
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    District of Columbia completed

    Congress agrees to the move in 1790 and the construction of the new capital began
  • The bank of the United States

    the first bank funded by the government
  • Cotton gin invented

    also known as the cotton engine accelerated the expansion of slavery in the south
  • Presidency of john Adams

    2nd President of the United States
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    The XYZ affair

    when they sent agents to steal money from France
  • The Alien and Sedition Act

    they changed the 5 year to get residence to 14 years and sets fines and jail terms for anyone trying to hinder the operation of the government
  • Public Education

    education policy prior to the 1800's
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    The Presiency of Thomas Jefferson

    3rd president of the United States
  • Marbury v. Madison decision

    Marbury sued to enforce the judiciary act
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Land deal between the United States and the French with 827,000 square miles of land
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    Lewis and Clark expedition

    Set as a military mission to discover the new land from the Louisiana purchase
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    Presidency of James Madison

    4th president of the United States
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    The War of 1812

    Conflict between the Unites States and the United Kingdom
  • Burning of york

    Canadian troops burn down York (Toronto)
  • Burning of the White house

    British soldiers burn down the White house
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    Battle of New Orleans

    British attack head on Jackson's men and easily defeated
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    Monroe's presidency

    easily elected president and served 2 terms
  • The Missouri compromise

    wanted to become a state but the issue is that it would be a slave state
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    The Erie Canal

    designed to connect western markets to eastern markets
  • Presidency of John Quincy Adams

    Jackson won the most popular votes but the house of representatives were given the outcome of the election
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    The American Temperance movement

    6000 groups
  • Presidency of Andrew Jackson

    won the 1828 presidential election
  • Mormons church founded by joseph smith

    created by new York prophet Joseph Smith
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    The Trail of Tears

    this 800 mile trip was made mostly by foot
  • Nat tuners rebellion

    killed his owner on the first day and killed 60 white people in 2 days
  • New England anti-slavery society

    William Lloyd Garrison helped to found the anti-slavery society
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    Nullification crisis

    confrontation between south Carolina and the federal government
  • The crisis of 1837

    Splitting up the second bank of the U.S and diverting its funds into many smaller banks, meant no central control
  • The Seneca falls convention

    first convention to devote woman's suffrage and, or voting rights