Bloor's early life
David Bloor was born on June 28, 1942 in Derby, United Kingdom. He began his academic career in philosophy and psychology. he studied at the University of Edinburgh. -
Professor David Bloor
David Bloor would receive his PhD by the University of Edinburgh for his thesis " speech and the regulation of behavior". he is currently the director of the science studies unit, trained in philosophy and mathematics. -
Strong Programme
David Bloor played a major role in creating the strong programme. It is a reaction against weak sociologies of science, which restricted the application of sociology to "failed" or "weak" theories. it also tackles these four indispensable components: Causality, Impartiality, symmetry, and reflexivity. -
David Bloor short video
“Science, Technology and Innovation Studies.” David Bloor, www.stis.ed.ac.uk/people/academic_staff/bloor_david. Bloor: The Strong Programme in the Sociology of Knowledge, www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/76-101AA/readings/Bloor.htm.