David Bloor

  • Bloor's Background

    Bloor's Background
    Born In Derby, United Kingdom on Jun 28th, 1942. David Bloor is a scientist, and professor in the Science Studies Unit in one of the great school in UK called "University of Edinburgh". As a key figure in Edinburgh School, Bloor played a significant role in the advancement and improvement of science and technology studies. With his scientific expertise which he used to conduct research in philosophy of science led him to plunge into the study of psychology.
  • Key Moment of Bloor Scientific Career

    Key Moment of Bloor Scientific Career
    Bloor is mostly known for the publication of his book "Knowledge and Social Imagery". He used his expertise and focused his work into gaining more knowledge about science and related it with sociology which is one of the domain that he also conducted a lot of research on and was able to advocate a strong program which he mentioned in the book where he also argued about mathematicians.
  • John Desmond Bernal Prize

    John Desmond Bernal Prize
    For his hard contribution to the field which has contributed into the development of social studies and science, David Bloor has been awarded the John Desmond Bernal Prize by the Society for Social Studies of Science in 1996.
  • David Bloor Contribution and Interview

    David Bloor Contribution and Interview
    David Bloor has contributed numerously to both the scientific and sociology communities. His works have opened a new era and brought a connection between sociology and science in which the new generation of scientists are gaining not just knowledge but also new ideas. Bloor has allocated multiple articles, books and research on how humans interact and perceive science in general. And his last interview brought deeper comprehension of the Edinburgh School.
  • Strong Program Video

    Strong Program Video
    The video talks about strong programme in Sociology of of Knowledge. Very good content to better understand his perspective.