
David Bloor 1942-Present

  • Birth

    Born in Derby, United Kingdom.
  • Begins work on the Strong Programme

    Begins work on the Strong Programme
    Dr. Bloor begins working on the Strong programme with five other colleges. The Strong prgramme states that all scientific theories should be treated the same and are a result of social factors influencing the theory.
    Bloor: The Strong Programme in the Sociology of Knowledge, www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/76-101AA/readings/Bloor.htm.
    SisyphusRedeemed. “The Sociology of Science:(2 of 3).” YouTube, YouTube, 10 Apr. 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=C10Q0mEbhUI.
  • Achieved PhD

    Achieved PhD
    Dr. David Bloor earned his PhD in Physiology by publishing his thesis titled "Speech and the Regulation of Behavior" Bloor, David C. “Speech and the Regulation of Behaviour.” Speech and the Regulation of Behaviour, The University of Edinburgh, 1 Jan. 1972, www.era.lib.ed.ac.uk/handle/1842/22721.
  • John Desmond Bernal Prize

    John Desmond Bernal Prize
    Dr. David Bloor is awared the John Desmond Bernal Prize. The award is awarded to those that make major impacts in the field of Science and Technology Studies.
    “Society for Social Studies of Science.” 4S Prizes | Society for Social Studies of Science, www.4sonline.org/prizes/bernal.