David Arroyave's timeline

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born in Envigado
  • My christening

    My christening
    I did my christening in Niquia, there I lived my chilhood
  • My first day in the kindergarten

    My first day in the kindergarten
    When I lived in Niquia, I went to the kindergarten and I knew new friends
  • My fisrt day in the school

    My fisrt day in the school
    I went to the police´s school when I was 5 years old
  • My sister´s birth

    My sister´s birth
    I was so glad when my sister was born
  • My first communion

    My first communion
    I did my communion when I was 9 years old and I lived in Cabañas
  • I graduated from the school

     I graduated from the school
    I graduated from the school and I celebrate this with my friends and family
  • I entered the university

    I entered the university
    My first day in the university was awesome, I knew new friends and I studying a career that I love