David Arnold Burnetts service

By akerle
  • Embarking the Ship

    His unit embarked from Brisbane on A48 Seang Bee on 21 October 1915
  • Mumps in Cairo

    While at Cairo he contracted mumps and was admitted to the 4 Auxiliary Hospital, Cairo. He was discharged on 6 January 1916.
  • Joining a Battalion

    joined 49th Battalion (Zeitoun) on 29 February 1916.
  • Joining the British Expeditionary Force

    David joined the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) at Alexandria on 5 June 1916.
  • Period: to

    leave from France

    David would have landed in France just in time to take part in the battle of Pozières, would have further taken part in the battles of Bullecourt, Ypres (1917), Menin Road, Polygon Wood, Broodseinde as well as many other smaller engagements. He was granted leave from France from 9 to 19 July 1917.
  • Obtaining an Injury in France

    While in France he accidentally sustained a severe injury to his right knee on 10 June 1918 and was invalided to England
  • Admitted to 2nd East General Hospital, Brighton

    He was admitted to 2nd East General Hospital, Brighton, England on 14 June 1918
  • Discharged from Hospital

    He was discharged from hospital leaving England to join his unit in France on 16 October 1918.
  • Returning Home

    David returned to Australia from England on 1 May 1919 per China.
  • Disembarking

    He disembarked at Sydney on 11 June 1919 (List 266)
  • Discharged from AIF

    Was discharged from the AIF on 4 August 1919.