Davd Thomas was born July 2 , 1939 , in Atlantic City , New Jersey
Thomas married Lorraine Buskirk, who he met in the Hobby House restaurant, in Fort Wayne on May 21,1954.
Managed Kentucky fried chicken franchises in Columbus, ohio
opened first wendy's old fashined hamburgers restaurant
During the 1980s, Wendy's achieved gret success with its 'where's the been ? ad campaiga achieving such public recognition that walter Mondale used the line in his debate with George Bush during the 1984 presidential campaign.
resigned as chief executive of Wendy's and retired from day-to-day operaions of the company
returned as wendy's spokesman nd starred in television advertising
Established Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
Wnedy's franchises reached a total of 4,000 in more than 30 countries