Daughter of Fortune Timeline

  • Period: to

    Daughter of Fortune historical timeline

  • 1835 Chilean Earthquake

    1835 Chilean Earthquake
    A major earthquake hits Chile “A series of minor temblors, which came like God’s wrath, finished destroying everything.” (39) Allende uses the quote to explain the horror of a massive earthquake hitting Chile
  • The Opium War

    The Opium War
    The Opium War was a war between Great Britain and The Qing Empire. The issue behind this war was the Chinese ban on British opium. The British won and were given Hong Kong and the ban on British opium was removed "In 1839, when the opium war between China and Great Britain broke out, Tao Chi'en was sixteen years old." (200) Allende uses the quote to put the time period into perspective and to show the age of Tao Chi'en
  • Silver Rush in Chile

    Silver Rush in Chile
    Chilean silver mining grew at a fast pace which transformed mining into the country's greatest source of wealth. The rush caused rapid demographic, infrastructural, and economic expansion. "To top it off, rich veins of silver and gold were discovered in the north." (65) Allende uses the quote to show that Chile had a great amount of wealth.
  • The Gold Rush starts

    The Gold Rush starts
    Gold was discovered in California which caused a mass wave of migrants seeking wealth "He was infected by Gold fever and ran off to make his fortune." (242) Allende uses this quote to show how gold had infected the minds of migrants who wanted to get rich.
  • Chilean migration to California

    Chilean migration to California
    Chileans and many other South Americans immigrate to California to mine for gold “Added to the five Chilean miners they had brought with them at the end of 1848 were eighty peasants” (289) Allende uses this quote to show that some Chileans immigrated to California to mine gold
  • Mass immigration to San Francisco

    Mass immigration to San Francisco
    As the population of California grew, San Francisco became a hub for immigration as thousands of people entered the country through the "Golden Gate" "By that time there were more than a hundred thousand argonauts in California, and more kept arriving, scattered all through the mother lode. (329) Allende uses this quote to show how San Francisco was a hub for mass immigration during the Gold Rush
  • Joaquin Murrieta is killed

    Joaquin Murrieta is killed
    Joaquin Murieta is killed by California Rangers "The next day Tao Chi'en went out early to buy a newspaper, as he always did before opening the office, and was met with a six-column headline: Joaquín Murieta had been killed." Allende uses the quote to show the sudden death of Joaquin
  • California is incorporated into the Union

    California is incorporated into the Union
    California becomes the 31st state in the United States “In September of 1850, Tao was present at the noisy patriotic celebration when California became the newest state in the union.” (318) Allende uses this quote to show how happy and excited everyone in San Francisco was when California become a state