Daughter of Fortune

  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    "This treaty, signed on February 2, 1848, ended the war between the United States and Mexico. By its terms, Mexico ceded 55 percent of its territory, including the present-day states California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, most of Arizona and Colorado, and parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Wyoming."
  • Chilean Silver Rush

    Chilean Silver Rush
    “The town grew up after the Chañarcillo silver mine was discovered on May 16, 1832 by Juan Godoy. This event sparked the Chilean silver rush. It grew in prominence in the second half of the nineteenth century and became important in the Atacama mining industry and one of the most important mines to the Chilean economy.” (Minerat Cl)
  • Britain Outlaws Slavery

    Britain Outlaws Slavery
    ”On August 1, 1834, Britain passed the Slavery Abolition Act, outlawing the owning, buying, and selling of humans as property throughout its colonies around the world. While this did not free enslaved people in the United States, it was a source of inspiration and hope for abolitionists. It outlawed slavery in Canada, which became a haven for refugees” (Prof. Zellenor, Washington Post)
  • Concepcion Earthquake

    Concepcion Earthquake
    The experience convinced him that the great geologist Charles Lyell was right -- mountain chains were not created by sudden immense catastrophes, but grew almost imperceptibly, the product of thousands of successive uplifts over almost endless geological time.”(John Van Whye, CNN)
  • Buena Vista Mexican American War

    Buena Vista Mexican American War
    ”Buena Vista marked a turning point in the U.S.-Mexican War. Because Santa Anna decided to attack Taylor, he did not reinforce Vera Cruz. Scott landed his men in Mexico in early March and laid siege to Vera Cruz on the 9th. Within the United States, Buena Vista was immediately hailed as the greatest of all U.S. victories. In spite of the inconclusive nature of the battle, the U.S. claimed victory Daniel Burge, “Buena Vista Furnace,” ExploreKYHistory
  • Perez Rosales

    Perez Rosales
    Perez Rosales was 41 years old when he sailed for California on December 28, 1848, in the company of three half brothers, a brother-in-law, two paid laborers and three servants. On board their ship were Chileans of all sorts, including a prostitute named Rosario Amestica. (American Experience, Gold Rush Article Vicente Perez)
  • President Zach Taylor and vice president, Millard Fillmore are sworn into office.

    President Zach Taylor and vice president, Millard Fillmore are sworn into office.
    ”Zachary Taylor, an Episcopalian, refused to take the presidential oath of office on a Sunday. This led to a curious situation in which the United States was "without" a president for a day.”