Dates of History

  • 1440

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    The printing press was an amazing invention that made it easier to spread knowledge and news.
  • Newspaper

    The daily newspaper was invented in 1702 to make it very easy to give a little incite of what is going on in the world.
  • Sound recordings

    Sound recordings
    Sound recording helped spread music across the world, this improved the daily life of citizens
  • Radio Invented

    Radio Invented
    The radio was a very important invention, it made spreading news a lot easier, not only that but it was convenient too.
  • Television

    The television was one of the best ways to produce media. Even today news is mainly on the television.
  • Computer

    In the beginning computers were used for uselessness and commercial use. this was the case just because the computer was expensive for the average person.
  • satellite

    Satellites help with a lot, for one they can give signals to your television so you can see news stations.
  • Mobile Phone

    Mobile Phone
    The mobile phone made it easier for people to communicate in the 1980s.
  • Internet

    The Internet was the best invention ever created, I say that because it holds the most knowledge out of anywhere and its very cheap. This invention was a massive break through, it made news accessible to everyone.
  • Smart Phones

    Smart Phones
    The smart phone is amazing, it basically combined every invention on this list, not only that but its portable too.