
David Filo and Jerry Yang

  • David Filo Birth

    David Filo Birth
    David Filo was born in Wisconsin
    At age 6, he moved with his family to Moss Bluff, Louisiana.
  • Jerry Yang Birth

    Jerry Yang Birth
    Jerry Yang was born in Taipai, Taiwan.
    At the age of 10 he moved with his family to San Jose, California.
  • Co-Founding Yahoo!

    Co-Founding Yahoo!
    David Filo and Jerry Yang forst created awebsite called, Jerry and Dave's Guide to the World Wide Web, which consisted of multiple websites in it of it's self.
  • Jerry Yang Resignation

    Jerry Yang Resignation
    Jerry Yang resigned from Yahoo! for reasons of making bad choices for the company.
  • Yang returns

    Yang returns
    Jerry Yang returned to Yahoo! as the Cheif Yahoo
  • Jerry Yang Leaves For Good.

    Jerry Yang Leaves For Good.
    Jerry Yang left Yahoo! once again and left for good.
  • David Filo Still Here

    David Filo Still Here
    David Filo is still Yahoo!s original Co-Founder.