Darwins Observations

  • the voyage Begins

    the voyage Begins
    A 22 year old boy becomes the captain's assistant on the HMS beagle for a journey that took 5 years
  • Cape Verde Islands

    Cape Verde Islands
    Darwin was overwhelmed with the discoveries he had seen and decided to write a book on geological variation in othe countries
  • Salvandor, Brazil

    Salvandor, Brazil
    Darwin visited the rainforest during his voyage and was astonished to see the variation and beauty between vegetation, grasses, and flowers.
  • Crossing the Equator

    Crossing the Equator
    Hard times had come on the ship while crossing the equator. Him and his crew faced hard conditions of being blindfolded or even on the plank
  • Punta Alta, Argentina

    Punta Alta, Argentina
    Darwin discovers some fossils and begins observing their dimensions and sizes and thinks some are still new.
  • Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

    Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
    Captin Robert brings back three natives to England where he aquired on his last voyage. He also tries to start a Christian mission but it drastically fails.
  • Falkland Islands

    Falkland Islands
    Charles Darwin found the windswept Falkland islands and found it wretched. He also discovered fossils along with 2 shelled animals that once were abundant on earth
  • Rio Negro, Argentina

    Rio Negro, Argentina
    Charles explored the panamas with the local people, who had joy of having independence from the gaucho life.
  • Period: to

    Chiloe island, Chile

    Darwin sees mount Osorno erupt which caused an earthquake. The aftermath of the earthquake, lead Charles to believe the mount did more degrading the island size than tearing it down
  • Galapagos Islands

    Galapagos Islands
    Darwin finds various species on the island that seem heavily related to mainland islands, but he is extremely fascinated in the tortoises. He was amused because they were so large. He even studied iguanas because they swam and feed in the ocean and once he cut several open all he found was seed weed. He also found all the birds on the island were species of finches
  • Sydney, Australia

    Sydney, Australia
    On the way to Sydney's cover Darwin was anxious to congratulate himself for being an Englishman and wondered why Australia contained so many different mammals.
  • Cocos Island

    Cocos Island
    Darwin studied coral reefs where he tested his atoll formation theory
  • Mauritius

    He waljked alomg the coast that had parts of black lava smoothed over with grass and bushes and most were mimosas
  • Cape Town, South Africa

    Cape Town, South Africa
    Cape Town consists of many bullock wagons and the Table Mountain, The great mass of horizontal sandstone rises behind the town with the height of 3,500ft
  • Bahia and Pernambuco, South America

    Bahia and Pernambuco, South America
    Darwin discovers many incredible creatures in South American jungles. When the beagle makes a unscheduled detour he is dismayed while homesick and seasick.
  • Falmouth, England

    Falmouth, England
    Darwin finally reached his home with so much delight of his journey. The beagle held 22 clocks and 74 people in very close quarters of only 90 feet.