Sailing around the world
Charles Darwin, age 22, emabrks on the HSM Beagle voyage around the world as the captain's assistant. -
Cape Verde Island
Drwin arrives on Cape Verde island and is very astonished by his first observations. It dawned on him that maybe he should write a book about geology after the many places he visted. -
Crossing the equator
when the ship crossed the equator, the crew blindfolded darwin and shaved him, and threw multiple buckets of water on him. They then put him on a plank that could have easliy tipped and he would have gone overboard.The captin explains that this is prohibited on most ships. -
Salvador, Brazil
Darwin explores a tropical rainforest for the first time and is overwhelmed by all its beauty and that there is such a variety of verything there. There's many differnt kinds of plants and animals. -
Punta Alta, Argenteina
Darwin encounters many different types of Fossils while in Argenteina and is fascinated by them. He says that he thinks that the animals must have been of great dimensions and that some of them must be fairly new. -
Tierra del Fugeo, Argentina
The captin of Darwin's ship send three nativs that he had brought to England. He also attempts to start a christan mission which ends up fialing. -
Falkland islands
When Darwin first lands on the Falkland islands, he is kind of disappointed, but once he cracks open a rock and finds fossils, he gets excited, The falkland islands are filled with barchipods, two shelled animals that lived to be some of the most abundant animlas 9n the early periods of the Earth. -
Rio Negro,Argentina
Darwin explors the lowland areas, known as Pampas by the natives. He enjoys the independence the locals have, to at anytime pull up your horse and go. -
Chiloe Island, Chile
While on the island of Chiloe Darwin sees Mount Osorno erupt and watches the aftermath of the explosion. Shortly after that, he experiences an earthquake. He explians that he thought that the two diasaters shurnk the island more than 100 years of wear and tear could have done. -
Galapagos islands
Darwin arrives on the galapagos islands and finds many native animls to be quite strange. He saw tortoise's, Blue-footed boobies, iguana' s and many birds that he thought were a variety of different birds, but when he got back to england, he studied them and figured out that they were all a variety of one bird, a finch. -
Sydney, Australia
When arriving in Australia, he wonder why there is such different types of mammals there than any other place he has visited. -
Cocos islands
Upon arriving to the island, Darwin starts to study some of the coarl he finds on the island to test some of the theory he has on attol formation. -
Darwin walked along the coast of the island, bserving the black lava that was smoothed over with sparese grass and bushes. -
Cape town, South Africa
The first thing that struck darwin about Cape town was the number of bullock wagons and the table mountain that stands at over 3,500 feet tall behind the village. -
bahia and pernambuco
Although Darwin found South American rainforests fascinating, he was both homesick and seasick and so didn't explore much while there. -
Folmouth, England
After a long journey, Darwin finally returned to his home in England. He said he was overjoyed to be home and that he could actually start analzying his research.