Dark Metropolis Timeline

  • The Touch Of The Hand

    The Touch Of The Hand
    Thea works at the Telephone Club and meets Freddy. She has a weird vision about her missing father when their hands touch. Thea also has a friend Nan and works at the Telephone Club who has not been heard from in a while. This leads to Thea attempt to find her.
  • Do Not Take Her

    Do Not Take Her
    Thea’s mother gets taken to the asylum by the police. This leads to Thea wanting to find both her father and Nan.
  • Why Am I Here?

    Why Am I Here?
    Nan tries to escape the workroom with Sigi but fails. This leads to Nan unraveling new facts about why she is at this mysterious work place.
  • Run Run Run!

    Run Run Run!
    Freddy escapes his house. Which leads to him freeing all the work people in the end.
  • Escape This Place

    Escape This Place
    All of the underground people escaped out of the workroom after Thea and Freddy set them free. This event broke out into a riot causing the work people to cause havoc among the streets.
  • Sacrafice

    Arabella trades her life for Sigi
  • In Arms

    In Arms
    Thea’s dad dies in her mom’s arms and her moms bound sickness is no longer with her.
  • Let It All Go

    Let It All Go
    Freddy lets all the threats go and ends all of the life's.
  • Its All Over

    Its All Over
    The war is over since Freddy let all the threats go. The event later leads to everyone living a normal life again.