To introduce you to the book, I'd like to start out by saying that this is the type of book where there is not a main character, and perspectives change every chapter. There is no indication as to what time period this happened except that it's early September and a three week timespan. This is also assuming that entries are all based on different days for the sake of sequence of events. The people you are seen perspective wise is Nothing, Mason, Aries, Clementine, and Michael. -
This book is called Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts. To me, I believe this is an action and fiction book. Most of the areas are undefined in the book, but we know that all of the characters end up in Vancouver, Canada. Descriptions of the characters are gives as vividly as possible. The rising action is obviously the earthquakes. There is no major climax. The falling action is when they make it to Vancouver. There is no resolution, for the final word in the book are "But there is always tomorrow." -
I love this book. It's one of my favorites. I read the second book in the series first, which possibly could have ruined the book, but I had to wait a while before I forgot the contents of the second book to read the first book without making highly accurate guesses. I love the characters and I love everything about how the author writes. I have already reccomended this book, it's amazing. It makes me happy in a way. That someone out there in the world has the same tastes in literature as I do. -
Introduction to Nothing
Described by the author, the name nothing simply came to her. It seemed appropriate to her. In the beginning, you hear insanity. Someone going completely insane. You can basically assume the chapter is about one of these monsters turning into what they are now. -
Introductory to Mason
Mason learns that his mother was in an accident when the principal pulls him aside. He is taken to the hospital. He finds out that his mom was hit by someone in her car, and that she was being taken into surgery. In the waiting room, he sees on the television that his school was attacked and everyone was told not to come up to the school. He gets driven to a 7-Eleven by taxi and decided he needed to see the school for himself: he would've been there if his mom didn't get hurt. -
Introduction to Aries
Aries is on the way back to school for rehearsals of Alice in Wonderland with her friend Sara, and her boyfriend, Colin. A crazy man tells Aries what is coming, and grabs her arm, alarming her. He counts down from ten, and at one, the ground explodes and breaks apart. The bus is thrown and the world around them is torn to shreds. A boy she didn't know helped he out of the flipped bus and helped her look for her friend, Sara dead and Colin fled without looking for Sara. -
Introduction to Clementine
The lines aren't up. Her parents planned to go to Heath, her brother's, college if the lines weren't up by the next day. Clem's parents along with the town meet in the emergency meeting about people killing each other all over the world. During the meeting, Henry and James come in with guns. In fear, her mom tells Clem to leave. Clem runs to realize the town hall is surrounded. A boy named Sam pulls her aside and tells her people are being crazy and warns her not to go home. She leaves. -
Introductory to Michael
In the car with Joe, Michael turns on some music after hearing too much about an earthquake. A biker swerved and hit the pavement. The biker was dead, surrounded by blood. A crazy man screamed at the dead biker, and the crowd tackled him. The cops came and arrrested the man and refused to speak of what these people had just seen. Michael is introduced to Evans, a balding man in his 40's when waiting for information. Michael gets Evans number, in case the crazy man came back for him. -
Sara was dead, and the guy covers up her corpse with his jacket, since the coroner wasn't coming anytime soon. He tells her his name is Daniel, and they needed to get to safety. He takes her to the school. When roaming the halls, he says something that makes him seem he knows more about what is happening than she does. Babbling on in the hallway, Aries turns around to find Daniel gone. -
Nothing says this was planned. They always win. They've been among us all. They have been here and they have been hearing the voices all along, now they are just louder. Death is more peaceful than this. -
Mason's mom died and he knew no one would come to dispose of her body. On the news, they speak of terrorism, mass suicide, and organized plots. On the news, it tells everyone not to come to the school, but Mason had to see the destruction for himself. After seeing the wreckage, he goes to a park, which was usually filled with drunk teenagers, but was empty. A man though carrying a bat hit Mason in the shoulder and Mason got the bat from the man and killed him. Mason needed rest. -
She went home. Her goal was to go to Des Monies to find police that could help. She hid in her barn from people with guns. One gunman sung the Clementine song, in which she hated. Clem was just a blonde cheerleader. Luckily, she got out without the gunman noticing. She got into her house and got Heath's address.Craig Strathmore hugged Clem when she found him looking for her. He "slipped out" but when they were hugging, he sang the Clementine song.He tried to hurt her, so she hit him and fled. -
Everything was gone. TV was out, so was the internet and the phone lines. Evan comes over and says everything has gone crazy. He went to Joe's house and it was a bloodbath. His home was deserted, so he needed to find his two year old daughter. Michael's dad was in Denver. Evans and Michael grabbed a flashlight and some food and water to go. -
He couldn't sleep. He drank whiskey. He held a pictue of him and his mom in Vancover and took the picture after trashing the house and burning it. He never looked back at his old home, he just drove on. -
Six people were in the theater, all actors, the drama teacher, and one light tech. They have food. People were hurt by Sara's death and Colin appeared to care less. Mrs. Darcy, the drama teacher pulled Aries aside, gave her the school key, and told her to keep everyone in the school. She had kids at home with a babysitter and had to make sure they were okay. The group saw someone out of the window and Mrs. Darcy's dead body. Screams said that the group should run, leaving two people behind. -
Nothing can feel the thoughts of every single monster. In Barcelona a priest kills everyone during a morning mass. Riots in London pain the city red. In Toronto a preschool teacher gives her students arsonic in the fruit punch. This is happening everywhere. Goodbye memories. There are so many worthless, easily filled people in the world. -
Michael, Three Weeks Later
They scope out a house and decide to go in because the group was low on food. They have a mom and a sick-looking four year old boy in the group. Billy named them Baggers, a hunting term, after hearing some sad man call them that before he was torn into peices. The house was loaded with food. The grill worked. There was still running water. Truely a miracle. -
Mason, Three Weeks Later
Mason's car ran out in the middle of the highway. A man with one leg offered help. Winston Twilling, but commonly called Twiggy, brought Mason to his bachelor apartment with so much stuff, Mason felt closterfobic. Twiggy was a college professer who taught socialology. Twiggy blamed humanity indirectly on this fallout. Twiggy gave Mason the keys to his car, but as Mason began to leave, the man threw a teacup at his face. "Trust no one," Twiggy said. Black. -
Nothing, Three Weeks Later
Nothing wants to be left alone. It hates us. -
Aries, Three Weeks Later
They fled to a Gastown apartment. Jack makes Aries laugh, which makes her less stressed. They need medicine and weapons. The team ponders at the reason for all of this madness. -
Clementine, Three Weeks Later
After being peed on by a Bagger and amazingly staying still, Clementine makes her way on the freeway. She passed by Des Monies and realized it was a lost cause. She steals a car, changed clothes from the pee stained ones. She took a water bottle and soap shower. Two men came into the restroom and attempted to kill her. She stabbed them and ran. -
Evans woke up Michael after he passed out in the bedroom. Bodies were on the floor downstairs. Evans woke up the group. It had all been a trap. Screams from downstairs indicated that Billy was dead. Michael was freaked out. Evans and the mother and child came into Michael's room. Cornered, Michael locks himself in the bathroom and abandons the other survivors for death. He broke the window in the bathroom and fell out of the window, hurting himself, but he knew he had to run. -
Mason awoke to gunshots coming from outside. His head was bloody. Twiggy threatens to kill Mason as he walks out. Outside, the gunshots came from a duo, Chickadee and Paul. They offered help. Chickadee talked a lot with cute humor. they took him to a hotel and gave Mason some Advil. They decided that they would go with Mason, since their plan to go to Maine was a lost cause. -
Nothing was covered in blood. It remembers all of the kills it's ever made. It rememebers one beautiful girl who needed thicker skin. Isn't that all we all need? -
When faced with food shortages, they drew names to go get food. After Colin argued about his name being pulled, it was decided that Aries and two others would go. They took bikes and got split up when a group of monsters tried to kill them. She slammed her leg on the concrete when her bike flew out from under her. She got to the store and grabbed the most expensive handheld recievers then heard something. Movement. Daniel fell to the floor. -
She got out and started walking when her vehicle ran out of gas. She fell into a ditch and passed out. She drank some water she gathered at the last spring she passed by. She went through the forest for a possible shortcut and ended up seeing dozens of bodies hanging from the trees. She met a boy her age in the gas station she stumbled onto. He called the monsters Baggers. His name was Michael. He drank whiskey and made her smile. He decided he would come with her on her journey to find Heath. -
Chickadee says she needs to go to a pharmacy because of a cold. Paul told Mason that he and Chickadee were just close friends and that he wouldn't be able to protect her forever. He caught Chickadee looking for needles at a pharmacy they found and accused her of doing drugs. They found a hotel and Paul told a bedtime story about a man who had no feelings that his grandfather told him. Mason woke up to her crying because Paul had left them. Mason promised her he'd never leave her. -
Daniel had a bruise on his cheekbone and a cut on his forehead. He seemed to have a fever. He was happy to see her, which comforted Aries. Joy and Nathan arrived. They weren't enthralled with the idea of her staying to care for Daniel, but she knew she owed him her life. He was well by morning. She insisted that he come with her to the group, but he said no. Then, they hear glass break, and he pushes her out of the store before she could protest. -
Skin is so delicate. Thicker skin, thicker skin. Nothing pleads for help before it hurts this girl. -
Snow turned to a blizzard and vision was down the drain. Some shadows moved, and they were ambushed. They ran and got separated. Michael grabbed a ball of twine he found in a cabin, tied it to down and went to find Clementine. He found her. They made a fire until the blizzard was over. They talked about their lives. Michael in a band, football, Clem was cheerleading. Everything seeming so unimportant now. They found an SUV with four wheel drive, a full tank of gas, and some blankets and left. -
They found a working moped. They both wanted to make it to Vancouver. Chickadee's sickness was visably getting worse. She tells him that she is really diabetic, apoligizes, and gets him to promise he wouldn't leave her. She was going to die, since the pharmacies were all looted. He promised he would touch the ocean for her. She slipped into a coma and Mason buried her while a Bagger watched and told him that he was a monster and just hasn't accepted it for himself. -
The buildings were tipped from the earthquake like dominos. Michael and Clementine made it to Heath's university and faint music was playing. He wasn't there. A boy wearing nothing but boxers passed by and said the Baggers didn't want him, and told him he was useless. Heath left a note saying that he was going to Vancouver, Canada becuase they heard some survivors there over a CB radio. Michael says he will venture on with her. -
There are six types of killers in the world, Nothing explains.
1. the quick and efficient ones
2. the ones that make every moment of every murder last forever
3. the ones that kill the soul and leave the body to suffer
4. the accidental or self defense killers
5. the ones that kill to feed
6. the ones who kill for the game
Nothing hopes it's a one or a four.
Nothing asked for us to kill it. It doesn't want to die alone. -
She had to go back for Daniel. He'd saved her life. None of her group wanted to help her, especially when he'd abandonded her multiple times. Looking out of the window with one of the group members, Jack, they saw shadows and flames. A can of gas. A flaming glass bottle hits a wall through a window and the place erupts in flames. They'd made an emergency escape plan for this sort of thing. They ran out in grops. They'd meet back at Second Beach. Someone was fighting them. Daniel? -
Second Beach Google Maps Visual
Do the street veiw at the upper side of the beach! Turn and you can see where the log comes in in the future!
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Second+Beach,+Vancouver,+BC,+Canada/@49.29478,-123.1504528,3a,75y,165.13h,93.38t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-Eut6n1z9lJg/UVPAhh3CdcI/AAAAAAAB1ag/8sTTt_1TPWw!2e4!3e11!6s//lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Eut6n1z9lJg/UVPAhh3CdcI/AAAAAAAB1ag/8sTTt_1TPWw/w253-h100-n-k-no/!7i4270!8i1686!4m2!3m1!1s0x548672218f53a0d7:0x8e6c7d9988fb7dc0 -
He found a motercycle and drove all most all the way to Vacouver. He felt like he should have died a long time ago. He saw Baggers with Molotov cocktails. He ran towards the monsters. He had nothing to live for, so he hoped Chickadee would understand. -
When she ran out, she knew the boy wasn't Daniel, but who? He was the destraction the group needed to get out of the house. Then another guy began to fight them, this time it was Daniel. She didn't think. She went to help fight. He told her to go, but she couldn't just leave him. She wouldn't leave the other guy either. Daniel told her he would come back over to her and get the other guy. -
He wasn't exactly winning the fight with the Baggers. A guy tried to help him out of the crowd, but Mason didn't want to go. When he did get out though, they relocated with the girl's group. The guy, who's name was Daniel, said he wouldn't dream of leaving, but Mason could tell he was lying. He was coming with them to Secong Beach though. Maybe it was Chickadee that meant for them to meet. -
In a four story parking lot, Clementine and Michael were trying to find a way into the department store or somewhere to sleep. They ran into a group and followed them, because the group warned them to follow. They all went across a skywalk three stories up. The lights turned on and they took the stairs out of caution. They got to one area of the department store and they saw millions of sleeping bags. The nest. The doors were locked. The store was surrounded. Windows shattered. It was over. -
They fought and Jack was hit with a baseball bat, making him blind. The building shook and came down. All of them got out, but most of the Baggers were still inside when the building fell. Daniel volunteered Mason and him to make a distraction while the other ones ran. He explained it was because he knew Mason could hear the voices too. Daniel popped his hand back in place that got popped out of place from punching the Baggers and they fought. -
The noises of the dark ocean were somewhat soothing. Mason and Daniel came. Aries was pulled to the side by Daniel. He would leave again, he explained. The group cut their names into a log to know they exist. That they made it. Daniel left. They needed to now find Clementine's brother, Heath. -
He touched the water, kept his promise. He'd felt the sand and water with his feet. The ocean is beautiful and vast. He'd made it. -
They had carved their names into a dead tree to know that they existed. How pityiful. They were leaders, followers, warriors, cowards, and betrayers. It's not over. But there is always tomorrow.