Was the civil war inevitable

Daniel Rozzo Civil War Timeline

  • Constitutional Union Party Forms

    Constitutional Union Party Forms
    The constitutional union party forms in the beginning of 1860. The party consisted of It was made up of conservative former Whigs who wanted to avoid secession over the slavery issue. They would later chose John Bell as their candidate in 1860.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Abraham Lincoln Gives Speech at Cooper Union

    Abraham Lincoln Gives Speech at Cooper Union
    Just a lawyer at the time, Lincoln gives a powerful speech in NY against slavery, and became an overnight star and a leading candidate for the upcoming presidential election.
  • Abraham Lincoln Visits The 5 Points

    Abraham Lincoln Visits The 5 Points
    While in NY, up and coming presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln visits the 5 points the most notorious slum in America. He walked around and visited places like Sunday Schools. This gave him favorable attention from the press.
  • Pony Express Established

    Pony Express Established
    The mail service delivering messages, newspapers, and mail called the Pony Express is first established. It cut the time for messages to travel between the east and west to about 10 days.It stayed established till the telegraph was introduced.
  • Candidates for Election Are Chosen

    Candidates for Election Are Chosen
    For the upcoming election in the fall, the US Constitutional Union Party selects John Bell as their candidate and the Republican party chooses Abraham Lincoln as their candidate.
  • Wide Awake Riot

    Wide Awake Riot
    The political teen group known as the Wide Awakes rioted against the republicans in Illinois. At the rally, the Wide Awakes defended the speakers who were being heckled, and a general melee resulted, involving several hundred men.
  • Abraham Lincoln Wins The Election

    Abraham Lincoln Wins The Election
    In 1860 Abraham Lincoln a anti slavery republican won the election. He totaled 180 electoral votes and 1,866,452 popular votes beating out John Bell, Stephen A. Douglas, and John C. Breckenridge. The southern states were extremely mad about the results of this election and believe they have lost all power.
  • Crittenden Compromise Is Proposed

    Crittenden Compromise Is Proposed
    Before the civil war Kentucky Senator John J. Crittenden proposes the Crittenden Compromise. It proposed six constitutional amendments and four Congressional resolutions that he hoped would please the Southern states and avoid war. It died later on in Legislature.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    On December 20 of 1860, South Carolina became the first state to secede from the Union. They seceded because Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860. Since Lincoln won the election and was extremely against slavery, the southern states decide to secede starting with South Carolina
  • Harriet Tubman's Final Escape

    Harriet Tubman's  Final Escape
    Harriet Tubman arrives in Auburn on her last mission ever to lead slaves to freedom. This was the last of her her many escapes on the Underground Railroad over a period of 8 years.
  • 5 More States Secede

    5 More States Secede
    Mississippi(January 9th),Florida(January 10th), Alabama(January 11th), Georgia(January 19th) and Louisiana(January 26th) all secede from the union joining South Carolina.
  • Jefferson Davis Appointed President of Confederacy

    Jefferson Davis Appointed President of Confederacy
    Following the secession of several states from the USA, the states that seceded form the Confederate States of America and make Jefferson Davis a senator from Missouri their first and only president.
  • Abraham Lincoln Inaugurated As President

    Abraham Lincoln Inaugurated As President
    Abraham Lincoln is sworn in as the 16th president of the United States as a member of the republican party, His inauguration further enrages the south.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    The Civil War officially starts with the Confederates attacking Fort Sumter. The Confederates had demanded a Union surrender but Lincoln refused and the Confederacy seized the fort and no one died.
  • President Lincoln Issues Declaration for 75,000 Militia

    President Lincoln Issues Declaration for 75,000 Militia
    Abraham Lincoln issues a public declaration that a mutiny exists and calls for 75,000 militia to stop the rebellion. Lincoln hopes to end the Civil War quickly to keep American casualties low. He does this in a response to Fort Sumter.
  • Tennessee Becomes Final State To Secede

    Tennessee Becomes Final State To Secede
    After Texas,Virginia,Arkansas, and North Carolina seceded, Tennessee became the final state to secede from the union and join the Confederate State of America
  • West Virginia Forms

    West Virginia Forms
    During the wheeling convention, the counties that form the northwest region of Virginia decide to break off and form their own territory,
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    This was the first official battle of the Civil War where the Confederates defeated the Union army which provided a confidence booster for the Confederates.
  • Battle of Wilson's Creek

    Battle of Wilson's Creek
    The Union Army led by Nathaniel Lyon attack the Confederate troops and the militia in southwest Missouri. It was a terrible day for the Union army where Lyon died and the confederacy won, proving their strong presence.
  • Battle of Ball's Bluff

    Battle of Ball's Bluff
    Colonel Edward D. Baker led troops across the Potomac River into what he thought was a unguarded camp but was just a line of trees and it resulted in the Confederates attacking the Union and when trying to retreat many Union men died trying to swim across the Potomac River.
  • Battle of Fort Donelson

    Battle of Fort Donelson
    This was a battle that resulted in a Union victory and the surrender of the southern fort on the Cumberland River left the river in Union hands. This is where Ulysses S. Grant gained his nickname "Unconditional Surrender"
  • Battle of Pea Ridge

    Battle of Pea Ridge
    The battle of pea ridge was fought in Arkansas and was a Union victory. The Union led by Samuel R. Curtis attacked the Confederates led by Earl Van Dorn and drove then back and then defended their counterattack.This victory loosened the Confederates grip on Missouri and the Mississippi River.
  • Battle of Hampton Roads

    Battle of Hampton Roads
    This was the most notable and the most important naval battle of the Civil War. The result of the battle was fought in Virginia and it resulted in the Union maintaining their blockade. The ships that fought was the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    This battle was a battle fought in Tennessee where Confederate troops attacked the Union forces led by Ulysses S. Grant and after a day of defending and protecting, he launched a counter attack with reinforcements which defeated the Confederate forces.Included 23,000 totals causalities.
  • Battle of Seven Pines

    Battle of Seven Pines
    Joseph E. Johnston withdrew his troops and retreated towards Richmond and McClellan pursued him. Johnston then launched a counter attack on the Union and during the battle more reinforcements came for each side and after 13,000 total casualties, the Union won the battle but with nearly 6,000 casualties.
  • Seven Days Battles

    Seven Days Battles
    The seven days battles was a series of six battles that took place between June 25-July 1 in 1862 in Virginia.The new commander of the Confederate army Robert E. Lee attack the "army of the Potomac" and drives them back winning the battle for the Confederates.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    The second battle of bull run was fought a little over a year after the first one at the same location the first battle was fought. This battle resulted in another Confederate victory. Robert E. Lee defeated General John Pope's army of Virginia causing them to retreat.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    This battle took place in Maryland and is to this day the single bloodiest single day battle in US history. The battle ended in a Union tactical victory but really tactically inconclusive on which side had the clear upper hand. 22,717 total casualties with an alarming 30% casualties rate.
  • George McClellan Fired

    George McClellan Fired
    President Abraham Lincoln finally fires McClellan ending a terrible relationship of between the two. Abraham Lincoln accused McClellan of having "the slows" which basically means procrastinating. He accused him of this because McClellan refused to march after Lee and attack.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    The battle of Fredericksburg was fought from December 11-15 in Virginia and resulted in a Confederate victory.The army of the Potomac, under General Ambrose Burnside, is defeated by Robert E. Lee's forces after a river crossing and sacking of the city.
  • Emancipation Proclamation Put Into Effect

    Emancipation Proclamation Put Into Effect
    On January 1 the emancipation proclamation was put into effects which stated that all slaves in the Union would be freed.It was a executive order issued by Abraham Lincoln. This proclamation was greatly applauded by abolitionists and gave the Union that final thing to fight for.
  • Battle of Stones River

    Battle of Stones River
    This battle was fought from New Years eve to January 2 in Tennessee and resulted in a union victory. Generals William S. Rosecrans and Braxton Bragg faced off. It was back and forth attacking for a few days until Bragg retreated.
  • The Battle of Chancellorsville

    The Battle of Chancellorsville
    This battle was fought in Virginia over a period of 4 days. It was a confederate victory, but Stonewall Jackson being wounded and eventually dying overshadowed the win. This was Robert E. Lee's greatest win. He faced a army twice the size of his own, so he split his troops in two and flanked the Union army causing a retreat after over 30,000 total casualties.
  • Siege of Vicksburg Begins

    Siege of Vicksburg Begins
    On days 1-3 the Union army led by Ulysses S. Grant attack Confederate defenses outside the city of Vicksburg. The city was a crucial city because if the Union won this battle, they would have full control of the Mississippi river. The campaign of Vicksburg ended up lasting 6 weeks during the summer of 1863.
  • Battle of Gettysburg Begins

    Battle of Gettysburg Begins
    In the summer of 1863 Robert E. Lee launched his second invasion of the North hoping to defeat them on their own turf and boost the morale of the union army. He started this invasion at Gettysburg,Pennsylvania on July 1 and the battle would last 3 days. This battle would be a major turning point in the war.
  • Battle of Gettysburg Ends

    Battle of Gettysburg Ends
    The battle of Gettysburg ends after 3 days and the Union ends up being victorious in the battle after the Union forces drove Robert E Lee back. The battle provided a huge morale boost for the Union forces. Robert E. Lee tried to resign after the battle but Jefferson Davis denied his letter of resignation. After the battle, the Confederacy's confidence would never be the same
  • Battle of Chickamauga

    Battle of Chickamauga
    This battle takes place in Georgia between the generals Braxton Bragg and William S. Rosecrans. The Union Army led by Rosecrans was defeated and nearly routed by the Confederate Army led by General Braxton Bragg. Rosecrans' army retreats to the supply base at Chattanooga, Tennessee.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    A few months after the Battle of Gettysburg, president Abraham Lincoln gives the famous speech called the Gettysburg address. He starts the speech of the famous line, "Four score and seven years ago,". In his speech, Lincoln is attempting to unify the nation once more after being split in half by the war over many issues. This speech is still famous to this day.
  • Battle For Chattanooga

    Battle For Chattanooga
    Union forces successfully break down the confederate army. The most notable event is the storming of Lookout Mountain on November 24 and Battle of Missionary Ridge the following day. The Union victory sends the Confederate Army south into Georgia where General Bragg reorganizes his forces before resigning from command on November 30.
  • Lincoln Issues Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction

    Lincoln Issues Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction
    In the winter of 1863, Lincoln issues the proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction which would pardon those who participated in the "existing rebellion" if they take an oath to the Union. He did this to help set up plans for the post war reconstruction and reunification
  • Andersonville Opens

    Andersonville Opens
    In Georgia, the famous war camp run by the Confederacy opens. The camp was famous for being extremely overcrowded, with terrible conditions. It held Union army members prison during the war and was so bad, it draws comparisons to the holocaust.
  • Ulysses S. Grant Made Lieutenant General

    Ulysses S. Grant Made Lieutenant General
    Ulysses S. Grant is appointed lieutenant general, a rank revived at the request of President Lincoln. After receiving this rank, he takes over the head of the union army since he is the highest ranking member in the entire army. He was given this position because of the recent firing of McClellan and his aggressive attitude in the war.
  • Capture of Fort Pillow

    Capture of Fort Pillow
    Also known as the Fort Pillow Massacre, was a battle that took place in Tennessee on the Mississippi River and led to a union victory.Confederate cavalry under Nathan Forrest attacked Fort Pillow. There were lots of African American troops who were killed after they surrendered.The battle was investigated and charges of an atrocity were denied by the Confederates.The event is still debated to this day
  • Battle of the Wilderness

    Battle of the Wilderness
    This war the opening battle of the "Overland Campaign" or "Wilderness Campaign". The army of the Potomac was led by Ulysses S. Grant since he had taken over for McClellan shortly after his firing.Lee attacked first in the wilderness of Virginia and after lots of causalities, the battle was inconclusive.But the union offensive did still continue.
  • Battle of Cold Harbor

    Battle of Cold Harbor
    These battles took place in Virginia and lasted 13 days until the confederacy finally emerged victorious. This battle was very bloody. It was an attempted attack by Grant and the union to dislodge the confederate forces led by Robert E. Lee which failed leading to a confederate victory near Richmond.
  • Assault on Petersburg

    Assault on Petersburg
    The Army of the Potomac crossed the James River and with troops from the Army of the James attacked the outer defenses of Petersburg, the primary junction for several southern railroads.After days of battle decides to start a siege to cut off supplies.
  • Fall of Atlanta

    Fall of Atlanta
    The union forces led by William Tecumseh Sherman defeat the confederate forces that occupy the southern city of Atlanta led by John B. Hood. This is one of the most crucial battles of the civil war because this battle was basically what allowed Abraham Lincoln to win the election of 1864 and get elected. The Union forces officially took over Atlanta after this battle.
  • Abraham Lincoln Is Re-Elected President

    Abraham Lincoln Is Re-Elected President
    Abraham Lincoln beats out the ex-leader of the union army McClellan by a whopping score of 212-21. The recent battles that the union won in the civil war allowed for Abraham Lincoln to get re-elected. Lincoln won the popular vote by a total of 55% to 45% after John C. Fremont withdrew.
  • General Sherman Starts The March To The Sea

    General Sherman Starts The March To The Sea
    William Tecumseh Sherman starts his famous March To The Sea leading the union army in the battles that become known as the Savannah Campaign. These battle will result in a union victory and is considered to be one of the mos important battles in the Civil War by historians today.
  • March To The Sea Ends

    March To The Sea Ends
    Sherman's Army arrives at Savannah, Georgia.While at Savannah, his troops will take Fort McAllister and force Confederate defenders to evacuate the city. This was a huge win for the Union army. This victory allowed the Union to reach the supply ship and get the supplies that they so desperately needed to continue.
  • Battle of Fort Fisher

    Battle of Fort Fisher
    This battle was a assault on the Confederacy led by David Dixon Porter and his Union troops. The result of the battle was a Union victory as they successfully captured the fort. Since the Union now controls this fort, the last southern seaport on the east coast that was open to blockade runners and commercial shipping is now closed for the Confederacy.
  • Battle of Bentonville

    Battle of Bentonville
    This was a day day battle fought near the town of Four Oaks in North Carolina.It was part of the Carolinas campaign during the war. It was the last battle between William Tecumseh Sherman and Joseph E. Johnston. The result of the battle was a Union victory. Sherman's army was stalled at first but then drove past the Confederate forces to Raleigh.
  • Attack on Fort Stedman

    Attack on Fort Stedman
    Confederate troops led by John Gordon attack and capture the Union fort in Petersburg siege lines in an attempt to thwart Union plans for a late March assault. By day's end, the southerners have been thrown out and the lines remain unchanged. This was a crucial victory for the North which brought the end of the war closer.
  • The Battle of Five Forks

    The Battle of Five Forks
    This battle was fought in Virginia around the road junction of Five Forks.The Union troops led by Phillip Sheridan overwhelmed the defenses of the Confederacy by flanking them. The result of the battle was a Union victory. This was one of the last battles of the Siege of Petersburg. This loss made Robert E. Lee's decision to abandon the Petersburg-Richmond siege lines.
  • Battle of Appomattox Court House

    Battle of Appomattox Court House
    This was one of the last battles of the Civil war which was fought a the Appomattox court house in Virginia. It was a victory for the Union army that led to the surrender of the Confederate forces led by Robert E. Lee. Lee signs a document of surrender which officially disbands the Army of Northern Virginia.
  • Abraham Lincoln Assassinated

    Abraham Lincoln Assassinated
    Shortly after the battle of Appomattox, President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. The actor John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln at Ford's Theater in Washington D.C. by shooting Abraham Lincoln in the back of the head.
  • Jefferson Davis Captured

    Jefferson Davis Captured
    Confederate President Jefferson Davis is captured near Irwinville, Georgia. Davis still retained hopes for the confederacy to continue. As he fled around the country, the US Department of war offered the Union troops a reward of $100,000 for anyone who could bring in the president and his aides.
  • Final Battle of The Civil War

    Final Battle of The Civil War
    This was the final battle of the Civil War Palmito Ranch also known as the Battle of Palmito Hill resulted in a Confederate victory. The battle took place in Texas. Only 900 total forces were engaged during the fight and there were only 123 casualties making it one of the least bloodiest battles in the Civil War.
  • Civil War Officially Over

    Civil War Officially Over
    General Simon Bolivar Buckner enters into terms for surrender of the Army of the Trans-Mississippi. This was the last army of the Confederacy that was left and since it has been disbanded, the war if officially over. The Union won the war and the Confederate states were admitted back into the US but all of this after about 700,000 American deaths
  • Slavery is Abolished

    Slavery is Abolished
    With the war now over, slavery is finally abolished with the ratification of the 13th amendment. It was first passed by Congress in January of 1865 but wasn't ratified till now. The 13th amendment officially made slavery illegal and gave Congress the power to enforce this rule.
  • Ku Klux Klan Forms

    Ku Klux Klan Forms
    Also known as the KKK the Ku Klux Klan begins to form at this time. It is a secret organization to attack African Americans and restore white rule is founded in Pulaski, Tennessee. It is only white men. During its prime it would commit violent acts against minorities.
  • Douglass Meets Johnson

    Douglass Meets Johnson
    An African American delegation led by Frederick Douglass meet President Andrew Johnson. They meet in Washington D.C. at the White House. They offer the idea to extend the right to vote to the freed slaves of all colors and the President denies this idea and rejects it. There was a lot of controversy over this meeting after.
  • State of Peace Declared

    State of Peace Declared
    Following the Civil War, the USA declares a state of peace with Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. These states had seceded in 1860-1861 from the USA and started the Civil War. The war lasted from 1861-1865 and cost 700,000. The USA does this hoping the states will re enter the union.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act of 1866 followed after the Civil Rights Act of 1864. It granted citizenship and the same rights that white men had to all people of different colors and races. President Andrew Johnson originally vetoed it but Congress passed it.
  • Memphis Race Riots

    Memphis Race Riots
    Also known as the Memphis Massacre was a series of violent attacks that took place from May 1-May 3. White citizens killed 46 African Americans and destroyed 90 houses, schools, and four churches in Memphis,Tennessee. These riots and killings were cause of racial tension.
  • Third Freedman Bill

    Third Freedman Bill
    The third Freedman bill is passed. It was passed to override another veto. The bill provided many additional rights to ex-slaves, including the distribution of land, schools for their children, and military courts to ensure these rights. It overrode the veto passed by the president. This was a direct response to the actions of the KKK and other racial groups.
  • Tennessee Returns To The Union

    Tennessee Returns To The Union
    Tennessee becomes the first former Confederate state readmitted to the Union. Tennessee was the last state that seceded from the Union during the Civil War. Tennessee would be the only state that would re enter the Union from the Confederacy until 1868.
  • New Orleans Massacre

    New Orleans Massacre
    This was another race riot that occurred in July in 1866. Police kill more than 40 black and white Republicans and wound more than 150. This was caused by racial tension. After this event Martial Law was declared and the city of New Orleans was put under it.
  • Proclamation of Peace with Texas

    Proclamation of Peace with Texas
    In the summer of 1866 president Andrew Johnson issues a proclamation of peace with Texas following the Civil War. Texas was the 7th state to secede during the Civil War. Johnson did this in hopes that Texas would re enter the Union since the civil war was over and the confederacy had lost the war to the union.
  • More Troops Demobilized

    More Troops Demobilized
    The Union troops are demobilized(process of standing down a nation's armed forces from combat-ready status) even more. By this time in the fall, only 38,000 men remain in the South.More than half of the ones that still remain stationed in the South are African American soldiers.
  • African Americans Given Suffrage In D.C.

    African Americans Given Suffrage In D.C.
    President Andrew Johnson had originally vetoed the bill to give blacks suffrage in Washington D.C. but Congress granted African Americans the right. The District of Colombia was the first area in the USA to give blacks suffrage
  • Nebraska Becomes A State

    Nebraska Becomes A State
    Nebraska officially becomes the 37th state in 1867 when it is admitted into the Union. The territory that Nebraska occupies was originally bought from France as part of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803.
  • Radical Reconstruction Acts

    Radical Reconstruction Acts
    Following the veto of president Andrew Johnson, congress passes the first of the reconstruction acts following the Civil War. It gave the right to vote to male freedman, and the military administration of the Southern States.
  • Tenure of Office Act

    Tenure of Office Act
    Congress passes the tenure of office act. It prohibited the president from removing officials appointed by the Senate without senatorial approval. This was later used as legal basis for the impeachment case brought up against Andrew Johnson in 1868.This limited the power of the president greatly and is very controversial.
  • Alexandria Rejects Votes

    Alexandria Rejects Votes
    In 1867 in Alexandria, Virginia thousands of African American cast votes in an election. These votes were later denied by the city of Alexandria even though the African Americans had previously been given suffrage by the reconstruction acts.
  • Sheridan Takes Command of 5th Military District

    Sheridan Takes Command of 5th Military District
    General Phillip Sherman takes command of the 5th military district. The 5th military district included Texas and Louisiana. He decided to make the city of New Orleans in Louisiana his office and headquarters. He was given this power by the reconstruction acts.
  • Second Reconstruction Act

    Second Reconstruction Act
    The second reconstruction act helped fix some of the problems that the first one had created like whose role it was to reinforce the legislation. It stated that the military commanders held responsibility to register voters and hold elections in their territories. It also required voters to take a oath saying they support the constitution.
  • Alaska Purchased From Russia

    Alaska Purchased From Russia
    The USA purchases Alaska for $7.2 million dollars from Russia which is equal to about 2 cents per acre. It was negotiated and signed by Secretary of State William Seward and Russian Minister to the United States Edouard de Stoeckl. Alaska however wouldn't officially become a state until January 3,1959.
  • Third Reconstruction Act

    Third Reconstruction Act
    This was the third and final part of the reconstruction acts. The third reconstruction act gave supreme power to the five Union generals overseeing Reconstruction in the five districts of the South.It also gave them the power to remove any official, from office if they believed the official was hurting the process of reconstruction.
  • Stanton Suspended; Grant Hired

    Stanton Suspended; Grant Hired
    Andrew Johnson violate the Tenure of Office act which had been passed earlier that year by suspending Edwin M. Stanton who was the current secretary of war. He appointed Ulysses S. Grant the interim secretary of war for the time being. Congress didn't accept this decision and the job was given back to Stanton. This feud continued and led to the impeachment of Andrew Johnson.