Daniel Flynn ww2

  • The establishment of the Nazi party.

    The establishment of the Nazi party.
    The establishment of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler gave emotional speeches for months after the party was established.
  • Hitler is imprisoned

    Hitler is imprisoned
    Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler attempt to overthrow the German government. Which fails, causing Adolf to be imprisoned.
  • Lenin dies

    Lenin dies
    Lenin dies, which leads to Joseph Stalin paving the way for his takeover as leader of the Soviet Union.
  • Mein kampf

    Mein kampf
    Adolf Hitlers book, "Mein kampf," ("My Struggle,") which illustrates his experiences while in prison. His book also explains his "Perfect Aryan race," He preached german nationalism.
  • Invasion of Manchuria

    Invasion of Manchuria
    Japan invasion of Manchuria signals the beginning of minor fighting of the Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Hitler is appointed Chancellor

    Hitler is appointed Chancellor
    Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany. He is now the Führer.
  • Nonagression pact

    Nonagression pact
    Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany form a non agression pact, which would lead to Hitler and Stalin staying out of eachothers affairs for a few years.
  • War is declared.

    War is declared.
    Great Britain and France declare a "Phoney war" on Germany
  • The war begins.

    The war begins.
    Germany invades Poland. With Germany's legendary tactic called "blitzkrieg," the Polish don't ever stand a chance against the 3rd Reich.
  • Germany invades

    Germany invades
    Germany Invades France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
  • Establishment of Auschwitz

    Establishment of Auschwitz
    May 15th is the rough estimated date of the establishment of the concentration camp "Auschwitz."
  • Allied troops evacuate from Dunkirk France,

    Allied troops evacuate from Dunkirk France,
    Boat fulls of Allie troops abandon the shores of Dunkirk France, in a hope for safety.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    A battle which was fought between the German Luftwaffe and the British Royal Air Force.
  • FDR signs the "Lend-Lease" act

    FDR signs the "Lend-Lease" act
    The United states would supply Allied Countries such as Great Britain, USSR, and Free France
  • British "Hood," sunk by "Bismarch"

    British "Hood," sunk by "Bismarch"
    The British battle ship called, "Hood," is sunk by the German battle ship "Bismarch."
  • German Bismarck sunk

    German Bismarck sunk
    The German battleship Bismarck is sunk by Torpedo carrying Swordfish Biplanes.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Germany invades the Soviet Union
  • Leningrad

    The seige of Leningrad begins.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan lauches a sneak attack on the United states Naval base in Pearl Harbor Hawaii.
  • U.S.A. is pushed into battle

    U.S.A. is pushed into battle
    Germany and Italy declare war on the United States, the United States declares war back, and just like that we are in WW2.
  • Order 9066

    Order 9066
    The Dehumanization of Japanease Americans begins. Japanease are sent to internment camps. While most Japanease were innocent, the U.S. did not trust them because of Pearl harbor.
  • Dolittle Raid

    Dolittle Raid
    The U.S. take flight over Japan, B-52s drop bombs on Tokyo, which doesn't devistate the city, however it did boost American moral and show the Japanease that we were ready to fight.
  • Battle of Midway begins

    Battle of Midway begins
    The battle of Midwat begins. Midway was a battle fought entirely by either water (Battleships) or by air (Plane)
  • Anne Frank goes into hiding

    Anne Frank goes into hiding
    Anne Frank and her family go into hiding from the Nazis. Which would lead to her historical diary about the daily life of hiding from the Nazis.
  • Stalingrad

    A battle between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia for control over Stalingrad takes place.
  • Germans surrender at Stalingrad

    Germans surrender at Stalingrad
    The German Nazis surrender to the USSR at Stalingrad.
  • Battle of Kursk

    Battle of Kursk
    Soviet troops and Nazi Germans fight near the city of Kursk.
  • Mussolini resigns

    Mussolini resigns
    The italian facist leader Benito Mussolini resigns.
  • Italy surrenders

    Italy surrenders
    After Mussolini's resignation, the Italions surrender.
  • D-Day

    The United states invade the French beaches of Normandy.
  • Battle of the Phillippine sea

    Battle of the Phillippine sea
    This battle was one of the major "Carrier vs. Carrier,' fights. Which means both the U.S. and the Imperial Army had Aircraft carriers that were lauching plane after plane. The U.S. victory in the Phillippeans effectively crushed the Imperial Armies hope to conduct large scale Carrier action.
  • Hitler assasination attempt failed

    Hitler assasination attempt failed
    The 16th anniversary of Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch, a bomb explodes just after Hitler has finished giving a speech.
  • Leningrad ends

    Leningrad ends
    After 900 days of fighting, the Seige of Leningrad ends.
  • Battle of Peleliu

    Battle of Peleliu
    The U.S. Sought control of an Airfield on a small island of the Coast of the Japanease mainland.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    A battle between the U.S. Marines, and the Japanease Empire. The U.S. wanted control so they could stage a further attack on the Japanease Mainland.
  • Okinawa

    As the U.S. was approaching Japan, they defeated the Island of Okinawa, in hope that they could use it as an Air station.
  • FDR dies

    FDR dies
    After serving our Nation in one of the most brutal wars in human history, President FDR dies of a brain hemoridge.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    Berlin, the Capitol of Nazi Germany, was invaded by Soviet Russia.
  • Mussolini is hanged

    Mussolini is hanged
    Mussolini is hanged by Italian partisans. Once Mussolini was killed, his body was abused and tortured so the Italian people could get their rage out on a truley horrible man.
  • An end to Evil.

    An end to Evil.
    Adolf Hitler commits suicide along side his wife, Eva Braun. While in his bunker. "Führerbunker." Hitlers death leaft behind a grim legacy of systematic mass-murder and inhumanity on a scale the world would find difficult to comprehend.
  • Raising the flag over the Reichstag

    Raising the flag over the Reichstag
    During the Battle of Berlin, Soviet Union troops conquered the German Reichstag building. After the Nazis lost control of the building, Soviet troops raised the Red Armies flag over Berlin to show the other Soviets that they had won control.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    The German forces sign an unconditional surrender to the Allied forces.
  • VE day

    VE day
    The fighting in Europe ends. Victory in Europe is celebrated.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    U.S. airman dropped an atomic device on Hiroshima. Atomic device named "Young boy."
    Marking the first and only use of Atomic weapons on a battle field.
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    Bombing of Nagasaki
    The U.S. drop a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Atomic Bomb named "Fat boy."
  • Japanease surrender

    Japanease surrender
    The Japanease surrender to the U.S. This date will forever be remembered. The war is now over.