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Chinese fishermen VS North Korea pirates
China angry over N. Korea`s hijacking and crashing of fishing boat -
2004年5-7月,丹东市有20条渔船无故被朝方没收,2条渔船被朝方军舰撞沉,造成1人死亡,财产损失达500万元。 -
North Korea’s ship crash on a fishing boat of China
5.12 ,North Korea’s ship crashed on a fishing boat of China,8 fishermen were missing。 -
North Korea’s ship crashed on a fishing boat of China
5.13,North Korea’s ship crashed on a fishing boat of China,2 fishermen were missing。 -
North Korea’s ship crashed on a fishing boat of China
5.14,North Korea’s ship crashed on a fishing boat of China,1 chinese fisherman ‘s right arm need amputation -
Period: to
Chinese fishermen VS North Korea pirates
North Korea’s ship crash on a fishing boat of China
2011年10月,一艘中国渔船夜里在中国海域被朝鲜巡逻艇撞沉,中国渔民当场死亡三人,另三名中国渔民被强行带往朝鲜。后经中方交涉,三名中国渔民被扣留8天后放回。朝鲜方面赔偿中方三名死者每人仅2万元人民币。 -
Liao Dan fishing 23979, Liao Dan fishing 23528,Liao Dan fishing ship 23536
click here to see more about the news North Korea seized the Liao Dan fishing 23979, Liao Dan fishing 23528,Liao Dan fishing ship 23536 and asked for 1200000 yuan ransom。After 13 days,the 28 Chinese crew members all return。 -
Dan Yu Bu No.3059
click here to see more about the newsDan Yu Bu No.3059 was seized by North Korean patrol。North Korean released the ship and Chinese crew members after taking away 215000 yuan cash in the boat -
Liao Dan Yu No.25395
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Liao Dan Yu No.25395 was seized by North Korean patrol。North Korean released the ship and Chinese crew members after received a ransom of 150,000 yuan (about 23,000 U.S. dollars) in 5 may 2013 -
Liaoning Ship No. 25222
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A Chinese fishing boat was seized by armed North Koreans who are demanding a ransom of 600,000 yuan (about 100,000 U.S. dollars) for the release of the ship and 16 Chinese crew members.
The ship, known as Liaoning Ship No. 25222, was seized May 5 while fishing off the coast of the eastern city of Dalian, but the incident was not publicized due to ongoing negotiations with the captors.