
  • My Birth

    I was born
  • First Birthday

    I was 1 not much else than that
  • First Time Watching Top Gun

    This may not seem very big but it set off my life as an Aviator and started my love for the US Navy
  • I got a little brother

    My little brother was born
  • Trip to California

    I went on a trip to California and met a good chunk of my family, but more importantly I went through the USS Midway Museum and had an amazing time
  • My Basement Burnt Down

    My cat Olaf knocked down a burning candle while I was at my grandma's and I woke up to the fact that I would live there and the Residence Inn for months.
  • First Grade

    I don't remember 2016 past some kid talking about the election in first grade
  • Friends

    I met two kids that just moved in at that point Nolan (He Sucks) and Ethan (He's worse) I also took pity on a few too many introverts named Stan, Cas, Xander, and Scout
  • Greatest Teachers of all Time

    Mr. Wolf, Ms. B, The greatest Duo of teachers in all time
  • Trip to Switzerland

    I went to Switzerland and met a ton of my family and went to the Geneva Car Show
  • Divorce

    My parents got divorced. Three Cheers for Infidelity!
  • Covid

    Well no school for a while so, lots of fun
  • Derecho

    I didn't know that Iowa had a Hurricane Season but here we are

    I was welcomed to the Seventh Ring of Satan's Palace
  • Top Gun 2

    It needs all of the Oscars and literally any award possible. It refueled even more of my love for jets