Damion Lamothe

  • industry vs. inferiority

    At age 10, Annie is moving from school to school and doesn't have many friends, and her single parent is always away at work. In industry vs. inferiority, Annie is developing a sense of learning and understanding and confidience, however, without her parents around she doesn't fully receieve the encouragement she needs.
  • identity vs. identity confusion

    identity vs. identity confusion
    At age 16 Annie earns her driver's license and is given more freedom to explore the community around her. in identity vs. identity confusion, one must develope who they are within his or her community and what kind of capabilities they have. Annie does this by exploring nature with friends.
  • intimacy vs. isolation

    intimacy vs. isolation
    A month after Obergefell vs. Hodges case was won in the Supreme Court, Annie and Lousie (both 34) were finally legally allowed to get married and on this day shared their vows in front of friends and family. In intimacy vs. isolation, one strives to form strong commited long-term relationships, such as marriage. By joining together in a close bond people have a connection that helps them throughout their lives, where-as those that do not risk feeling vulnerable and alone.
  • Ego Integrity vs. Despair

    Ego Integrity vs. Despair
    Annie (77) has been retired for a few years and uses her time to relax, by traveling the world visiting family and new locations with her partner Lousie (77). In Erikson's eight stage, ego intergrity vs. despair, a person learns to come to terms with his or her life, and the must strive to accept their life-long experiences, so that one could optimally be at peace. If one is not at peace, then they are in despair.