I am Born
I was born on December 29, 2002 in Dalton, GA -
Birthday Boy
My First Birthday was celebrated On January 29, 2003 -
The Greatest Experince
I Had my First School Experience on August 26, 2005 -
My Little Sister is born
My little sister was Born on January 16, 2006 -
Exciting Trip
My trip wa Awesome Because I got to go to California for the very first Time. -
Broken Bone
my arm Was broken because, A heavy metal Thing fell on my arm. -
My First IPhone
My dad Gave me an iPhone 6s+, he Said to be responsible with it. -
Broken iphone
When I broke my IPhone My dad Was Glad because He said This " thats okay if you broke your phone, I'll Just get you the new phone 7. -
Evil House
My house is sometimes Haunted Because we hear and see things that are really not there. -
Water TIME!!!
My Dad was nice enough to buy us a giant Pool.