Dame Nellie Melba

  • Birth

    Dame Nellie Melba was born on the 19/5/1861
  • Started singing

    Dame Nellie Melba started singing age six, she got her musical talents from her mother who was a musician.
  • Marriage

    She married Charles Nesbitt Frederick Armstrong
  • Audition

    Dame Nellie Melba had her audition with Madame Marchesi and was taken on as a student
  • Dubut

    She debuted on the 18 may 1886 playing Ophelia in Hamlet.
  • Divorce

    Nellie divorced her husband because he wasn’t supportive of her career, this is when she changed her name from Helen Armstrong to Hellen Melba after her home town.
  • Becoming a dame

    Nellie Melba became a dame in 1918
  • Death

    Dame Nellie Melba died on February 23 1931